Wednesday, 6 April 2016


Tonight's tea was a use it up beef stir fry with the ends of a stir fry veg bag and tub of rice from the freezer, the remains of a tin of sweetcorn The Teenager had opened at lunchtime and some of the pulled beef I made and froze in portions a few weeks ago.  Ready in 5 mins.  Lovely!

Wednesday is a TKD training night for The Teenager so as I'm passing anyway I popped into Sainsbury's.  I stuck to my list except for some reduced lamb mince and GF steak pie.  Oops! So much for emptying the freezer!!

I also got 3 bags of compost reduced to £1 because they'd burst at the seams.  Again, too good to pass up.

The weather here is still very mixed with lots of  heavy showers.  So far I've not been able to get out into the garden long enough to get the shed and polytunnel up.  But the pink paint is ready and waiting for when the sun comes out! Until then it's more decluttering and knitting :-)


  1. The thing I miss about the supermarkets - apart from my occasional foray into the wee Co-op in town - is the reduced shelves!
    Love the pink, I might have to too.......... lol :)

  2. Every yellow sticker I buy I feel it's blowing a rasp at the supermarket, less profit for them. Although it doesn't change what the farmer or grower gets :-(

    Cuprinol have a fab range of colours and a wee tin goes a long way. Plan is part of my fence and the door of my wee shed will bright pink. I was nearly tempted by the purple though!!

  3. I intended to do a big batch cook today for chicken curry to freeze, woke up to find the chicken was still frozen. so annoying lol


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