Saturday, 16 December 2017

And the winners are...

Marjorie, Winters End Rambler, Starry A, Elizabeth Yule and Janice!!

If you email me your addresses I'll get your wee Scotties dogs in the post. 

Huge big thank you to everyone who left me a comment and letting me know what you like about my blog.  It's lovely to know lots of people like my ramblings šŸ˜Š

ETA I've got everyone's addresses now so I've removed my email.  šŸ‘


  1. Congratulations to the winners.

    It was fascinating to read your readers comments, where they're from etc. Yours is a popular blog :-)

    If I don't get before I'd just like to wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas and a brilliant blogging New Year. All the best. xx

    1. Thanks Sue. And a very Merry Christmas to you too xxx

  2. Oh my goodness...thank you so much...will email you right away! x

    1. Got it. Hopefully I will get to PO tomorrow before it closes :-)

  3. I read and enjoy your blog but didn't comment. I've been here as a quiet but faithful reader for a very long time and you having to post something to me and pay UK postal prices wouldn't sit well with me as I've read of all of your efforts to get ahead and to thrive through what must have been very difficult times. Things I love about your blog: you don't whine, you're practical, you get on with it despite difficulties, you sew beautifully, you're frugal, you write well, you can spell (and don't discount that as an achievement in this day and age!). I just seem to like what you write. I keep checking every day or so.

    1. Aww thanks Fran. I don't mind paying the postage for a wee parcel. I've really enjoyed seeing where everyone is from and loved hearing that what I'm writing about is enjoyed by people all around the world. We're more alike than we are different :-)

  4. Congratulations to the winners. Hope they enjoy wearing their wee scotties. Catriona

  5. Oh, I just read your post and see that I won! Woohoo!! I'll email you my address, thank you so much.

    1. Got it. No idea if you'll get it before Christmas but fingers crossed it won't be too long :-)

  6. Oh wow I'm delighted and astonished to have won! Thank you!! I'll email you my parents address (UK) since they're coming to visit me for new years eve and can bring my prize (yay :D!) over with them. Just had a look at where Stirling is and it looks really well positioned, like you said. Looks like a lovely place with great views too!

    1. Got the address from your lovely email. I will reply later today :-)

  7. BolaVita Adalah Agen Sabung Ayam Terbaik Di Indonesia | WA : +6281377055002 |


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