Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Snow Days!

Like much of Britain we've got snowy weather.  Most schools in Scotland were closed today and tomorrow, including mine! ๐Ÿ˜Ž  See that wee red bit?  That's where I live!  Public transport was cancelled at lunchtime.  Businesses were closing early.  Police advice was go home and stay there.  It's rather serious.  The motorway between Stirling and Glasgow was closed many times today due to accidents.

OH is in Italy for work this week.  He's due to fly home tomorrow but the airports are closed which means planes and crew are all in the wrong places.  I really don't think he'll be home until Friday.

This was the view from my window at lunch time.

The view from the back door.  You can just see Penny's red comb in the middle of the photo, she's on her perch shouting loudly at me!  ๐Ÿ” Between the snow showers I went out and swept a bit of ground for her to peck.

Apparently people have been panic buying in the supermarkets!  Luckily I'm prepared with food, water and heat if anything goes off (in my old house we lost power every single time it snowed!!)

Since it's the last day of February I've added up my supermarket spend for the month.  I've spent ยฃ153.36 so I'm rather pleased.  However, my fridge and freezer are very empty.  Once the weather calms down I'll need to do a big shop!


  1. I hope you'll enjoy your snow days and that the markets won't be depleted for your big shop. That is generally what happens here.

    1. Yes, shops will be empty of fresh produce and it will take a few days to get back up to fully stocked. Good job I'm prepared!

  2. MY goodness, I hope conditions don't create too many problems for you. Thank goodness you have enough in to keep you going so you don't have to turn out.
    J x

    1. Only problem is keeping my chicken fed and watered. I'm not going anywhere today again!

  3. Stay warm and stay inside, we can't cope with any amount of snow, we are still almost snow free here along the south coast, we did have a sprinkle, but the wind has blown it all to the edge of the road and along the fences.

    1. Lots of drifting snow here now but I'm staying in and staying warm!

  4. Sounds like you're having the same kind of weather we are having here. We had 8" over night, 8' more today and the same again tomorrow! Schools never close here!!


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