Monday, 10 December 2018

Still sick

I'm getting really fed up with this now šŸ˜· I'm now into my 4th week of this lurgy!! I really thought a weekend of rest and taking the meds would have me back up on my feet. But no.  I've called in sick again today.

Fortunately it's my non contact day so I'm not inconveniencing my poor colleagues too much. The Deputy Head took my class for the first 90 minutes and half of that was assembly! Then the RCCT teacher took over.  But it does mean my planning/marking/assessments will be behind.  Ah well, looks like I'll be busy during the holidays.

So, I'm trying to be positive and am thinking about what I've learned from this.  And hopefully next time I'll bounce back quicker. 

1.  I should have gone to the doctor sooner.  I know that when I get a rotten cold  I get infected sinuses so should get the antibiotics sooner.  Over the counter medicines, honey and lemon drinks and steaming with menthol doesn't work on a bacterial infection.

2.  I know that if I get a second cold sore I should get the antiviral tablets quickly to halt the spread.

3.  I need to take time off work sooner and not keep dragging myself in.  I've made myself sicker by pushing my body too hard.

4.  I need to stop feeling guilty about taking time off.

No 4 is the hardest one, I really need to work on that one.


  1. Number 4 is always the hardest one, hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. As you know I am now retired but treat my voluntay comittments in exactly the same way I treated my paid employment. Last year I ended up so unwell by struggling on to do the carft classes etc that my poor husband eventually begged for an appointment at our GP. What a row I got-antibiotics at the maximum dose with Omeprazole to protect my stomach. If they were not working within 24 hours I was to be admitted to hospital to have them intravenously!! No Christmas in our house and I felt unwell and wabbit right into February. Ali, if you donā€™t seem better, ask for a sick line because I got such a fright last year that I will never again say ā€œ itā€™s just a coldā€. Sinus and ear problems are the bane of my life but I knew really that it was more serious than that. Take care, keep warm and leave the big girl pants in thr drawer this week. X

    1. That sounds very scary!!

      Lesson learned. I'm taking my health more seriously in future. I've got a few ideas I'm working on for the new year so I can take time off if needed without feeling guilty

  3. You must be feeling really down, I hope the antibiotics kick in soon. It's so wearing when illnesses drag on for weeks.

    1. I'm trying to be positive and the antibiotics seem to be finally doing their job. Fingers crossed it's cleared up by the holidays!

  4. I hope you feel better soon. Nothing worse than being off and feeling rotten. Take care. xx

    1. Def starting to feel better but still taking it easy


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