Sunday, 22 March 2020

Happy birthday to me!

It's been a strange birthday and for those us with birthdays in the next few months it will certainly be one to remember.  I've spent most of it outside in the garden.  I'm celebrating tonight (on my own) with a large gin and tonic and nursing a split forehead (don't ask!) 😵

In these uncertain times (and that's all I'm going to say cos I'm being blog positive) I think I should really make an effort to not waste a single piece of food.  I'm pretty good any way but the chickens mostly benefit from leftovers or veggies nearly past their best.  I made a batch of potato scones with leftover mashed potato and froze them. They're great toasted or fried!

I grated some bendy carrots.  Some went into a huge pot of soup and the rest got bagged and frozen for future use.

I made a pot of veg soup using up leftover veggies, lentils, rice and leeks from the front garden.  It's portioned up and 5 are already in the freezer.  I also had a very ripe banana so made my banana oat pancakes.  Recipe HERE They'll do for snacks or even a breakfast or 2!

And I made my first ever batch of Fire Cider.  It was one of the easiest home remedies I've ever made!  It will sit for a few weeks before I add some raw honey.  It's very good for cold and flu symptoms.  I based it on a recipe from an online friend from waaaay back.  Check out the recipe on her Youtube channel HERE.

Working from home starts tomorrow so life is going to be very different for the foreseeable future.

Stay safe and stay home everyone! 💗


  1. Happy Birthday to you!
    Love your gin glass, I never liked gin for years, couldn't stand the smell of it, but I am converted now, there are some lovely ones out there now.
    Yes it is important we don't waste anything.
    Marlene x

    1. Thank you! Glass plus some gin was a gift from a parent last year :-)

  2. Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday Dear Ali!
    Happy Birthday to you!

    Enjoy the gin!

    1. Thank you! It was very nice indeed :-)

  3. Happy birthday Ali....hope the split forehead isn't too sore!

    1. Thank you! It's throbbing a bit but I'll survive :-)

  4. Happy Birthday Ali!! Sounds like you've got everything under control, just don't bash your head again!

  5. Happy Birthday! Just as well you're working from home then or you'd be getting all sorts of comments re: falling over after the gin!! lol. Enjoy working in your jammies lol. x

    1. Thanks! It's nearly 6pm and I'm not in my jammies yet!! xxx

  6. Happy birthday, every day is a bit strange, you have been very busy, saving food, we are doing the same, no waste here.

  7. You split your forehead BEFORE the gin … my girl you're doing it all the wrong way around ;-)

    Happy Birthday, hope your day was lovely and the sun shone for you. xx

    1. Ha ha ha!! I know! It was a lovely day despite being on my own xxx

  8. Happy birthday and glad you enjoyed your day. It was also my birthday and I tried some non-alcoholic Martini which I didn't really enjoy, too sweet and nothing like the Martini I used to like 50 years ago. glad your head is ok.

    1. Thanks! Hope you had a lovely birthday too :-) Not had Martini for many years!!

  9. Happy Birthday, Ali!
    Wishing you many more,


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