Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Thank you!

Thank you for all the lovely comments on my last post about my Dad.  It's a challenging time for my mum, my sister and me but we're strong women and we're just getting on with 'stuff.' No date yet for the funeral as it was the Easter weekend (official offices closed) so we've still got that to arrange.  Here in Scotland you're allowed to have just 10 people (in England I believe it's 6) and social distancing must be observed.  As much as I really really want to hug my mum I won't as I just cannot risk her getting Covid 19.

I'm keeping myself busy with getting my allotment ready for the growing season.  It really is my happy place and the weather has been ideal for being outside. So far this week, I've built a compost bin on the cleared area where there was a shed previously.

I weeded around the ancient raised bed thingy.  I think this is marjoram growing out the side.  I also have a clump of healthy chives.

Today I was working in the strawberry patch.  Emma decide to lie on them!!

I dug over the area on the left where the previous tenant removed a load of strawberry plants.  It's VERY compacted clay soil thanks to being under flood water and membrane.  I cleared away loads of dead leaves and transplanted some previously potted runners.  I'll keep the strawberries this year and see how much they produce.  I also cut back all the dead wood on the raspberries behind them.

And I made a batch of rhubarb chutney!  I subbed raisins (didn't have any) for blackcurrants (I had some in the freezer).  This really is my favourite home made chutney 😋

Stay safe and stay home everyone! 💗 xxx


  1. I missed your previous post about your Dad, I'm so sorry Ali. Well done on keeping busy through this awful time. You must feel especially awful for your Mum, not being able to hug her. xx

    1. Thanks, not being able to see or hug her is very difficult. As she's over 70 she is in the 'at risk' group. But I think there's no point stressing about the things we can't control xxx

  2. I had to take a chance and give my mum a hug when it was the anniversary of my dads death last week, however I knew she'd been on total lockdown for 3 weeks and I knew I had too so I decided it should be ok and told her to turn away and not breath near me!! How dreadful is it that this is what we have to do just now. It's a very difficult time for you all. You're doing well on the plot, isn't your back aching with all that digging? I cannot get a strawberry to fruition here, I think there are mice in the garden somewhere and between them and slugs and snails its a major battle! I do keep trying though! Our rhubarb is doing brilliantly this year, we've had lots of stewed rhubard and custard lately - very much comfort food! Sending you a virtual hug. xx

    1. I'm glad you were able to hug your mum. All the digging hasn't made my back sore (yet!) but my arms and shoulders are aching!! I have a feeling the strawberries aren't worth the hassle but I'm keeping an open mind this year especially as they haven't cost me anything xxx

  3. I'm really glad you have a happy place and I am sorry to hear about your dad. I popped across from someone's blog (not sure who- I've been commenting on blogs for hours!). That must be so hard.
    Being near to Nature is the most restorative thing I am finding at the moment.

    1. Thanks for popping in! Totally agree that being outside in Nature is so restorative! :-)

  4. Sorry to hear about your dad; my mum died years ago at Easter time and I remember that the Church of Scotland would not do a burial over the Easter weekend. So we had to wait a while for a funeral too. Keep finding solace in your allotment!

    1. Thank you! Keeping busy in this lovely weather definitely helps :-)


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