Thursday, 28 May 2020

Plot update

I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since my post! I've really not been doing anything that blogworthy plus it was report writing time for school (they're all finished and signed off now).

There's a general consensus among my friends that we seem to be living a groundhog day every day.  We've got ourselves stuck in a rut/routine and the lines between work and home are very blurred.  I've seen some of my colleagues interacting with parents on Twitter on a Saturday evening!! It's not healthy.

Thankfully the weather has been lovely (mostly) so spending time in my garden and on the allotment helps me switch off from work stuff.  Today's video shows the start of everything on the plot bursting into life.  I watched the first video of my new plot and was surprised to see just how much I've changed it already.  I love that people watch them but really they're for me to keep a wee record of my progress.  And a reminder of what I can achieve on my own 😊


  1. Your plot is doing really well. It was almost too hot for me in the garden today. I'm not complaining, I love the sunny weather but I find it harder to work in it when its hot. I'm about to go out and water it all now that its getting cooler. I wasn't going to plant any courgettes this year then my mums neighbour gave me a packet of seeds so in they went. They are about to pop up so I'll see how mine get on. They are either really prolific or I get about two! Hope you're feeling ok about the next stage in our current nightmare. I've no idea how schools will cope with all the distancing - children are not renowned for keeping apart!! xx

    1. It was getting uncomfortably hot to work this morning and poor Emma really suffered. I think tomorrow I'll leave her at home as it's to be even hotter.

      The management team is allowed into school next week and class teachers the following week to 'prepare for August' ie work out how we're going to organise our classrooms to keep kids 2 metres apart!! Still no guidance on whether we'll keep our current classes for a few weeks to help with transition xxx

  2. You are way ahead of us here. I just got into the garden centre today since they only opened last week. Predictably they have been jammed since then even with maintaining correct distancing.

    1. Our garden centres open tomorrow (Friday). I've grown everything from seed this year so don't need to go. But I'm guessing there will be huge queues!!


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