Friday, 2 April 2021

Easter holiday - day 1

It feels so good to be officially on holiday at last!  I slept until 9am this morning 😲 Not like me at all so I must have needed it.  The weather forecast was sunny for today (still a bit chilly at 11C) so I'd planned to be in the garden.  But in my sleepy state I reached into the bathroom cupboard and somehow managed to accidently touch my safety razor (the irony!!) and taken a huge chunk of skin off my middle finger.  Several hours later it's still bleeding and very nippy! 😬 Best to keep it out the dirt then especially as I don't have any plasters to cover it. *adds first aid supplies to shopping list*

I was thrilled to see that my asparagus has survived since planting last year.  4 of the 5 crowns have started to produce spears so I harvested a few (you can take 50% in the second year).  Next year I should be able to harvest freely πŸ˜‹

Still 3 left on that crown to develop strong roots for next year!!

So I made myself a wee omelette for lunch.  Eggs, asparagus and leeks all home grown with peppers and broccoli (hopefully grow these this year) and a sprinkling of goats cheese.  Unless I can find a way to keep a goat in my back garden, I'll just have to keep buying cheese!! 🐐

Being able to eat what I produce myself is a great feeling and it's given me the motivation to get cracking with my seed planning and planting.  Even though the weather forecast is snow(!) on Monday, I'm hoping to spend much of my 2 week holiday outside in the garden or on the plot.

The wee video yesterday shows my 'new to me' shed and slabs.  It's amazing what you can find for cheap or free if you're willing to put some time and effort in.  Luckily I had help as there's no way I would have been able to do it by myself.  I still need to paint the shed and fill/repair some wee cracks in the wood before Winter.  I got some cheap metal shelves from B&Q for inside so it's starting to look organised.

One more day of self isolation then I'm free to leave the house πŸ‘


  1. Asparagus- what a treat and so satisfying to have produced a.most all the ingredients yourself! Shed looks in great condition - why would anyone throw one out? Hopefully the snow won't amount to much and won't settle. Enjoy the rest of your holiday, Vicki

    1. Love asparagus!! I got the shed from a woman who had moved into a new house and just didn't want it. Totally free, all we had to do was dismantle it ourselves. It's perfect for the allotment :-)

  2. Fabulous looking omelette. There is nothing quite as satisfying as eating your own produce.
    Are you going to keep chickens again? I would love to have some, but there are so many stalls around our village selling eggs that it doesn't really make sense for me to give up some of our tiny plot to them. Plus I do know they have no respect for ornamental plants!

    1. I've still got 2 chickens, Tuppence and Penny. Penny is one of my original girls, doesn't lay many eggs now but loves to shout at me every morning!! I think I'll always have chickens now. I've got my set up sorted so they have lots of space in their run and my garden doesn't get trashed!!

    2. Lovely. Apologies to Tuppence and Penny - they hadn't been mentioned for a while, and I remembered that you were thinking of not having chickens, so I wrongly assumed they were no more.
      Long may they continue to provide you with the odd egg and keep shouting at you!

    3. Yes at the start of last year (before Covid) I'd decided I wasn't going to replace them when they died naturally. But once lockdown hit and I realised that food could be in short supply I reconsidered. They seem to be healthy and happy so no need to to replace them yet :-)

  3. My asparagus plant was a complete disaster - never gave me more than a couple of spikes so after 5 or 6 years I dug it up. Hope you have more success with yours. I also love asparagus and it is quite expensive here, so it seemed like a good idea to grow my own!

    1. In Edna Ferber's book So Big she writes that asparagus takes 7 years to come to maturity...but I'm not a gardener.

    2. That could be true Ruth if planted from seed. I bought crowns so have skipped the first few years. I'll harvest carefully though!!

      Chris, I love it too and yep, it's expensive here too!!


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