Friday, 21 January 2022

I needed a laugh today


This made me laugh this morning!!  Clearly I'm not an intellectual then 😂 I do love Billy Connelly and was lucky enough to see him live before his health started failing.  My friend posted this on FB after I received a rather different photo from my stage partner at school.

We have a safe enclosed garden for both P1 classes as outdoor learning is a huge part of our play based learning approach.  Unfortunately it's a safe and enclosed magnet for local teens to hang out in and our play equipment often gets damaged despite having lights and CCTV.  Our shed gets broken into regularly but last night they took it a stage further by setting fire to the toys.  At least £1000 worth, some of it brand new as we only got delivery of it last week.  Apparently it was quite a ferocious fire and the fire service had to attend.  This was at 4am!!!

The kids were really upset this morning and I feel awful that I'm not there to talk about it with them.  How do you explain to 5 year olds that someone burnt their toys for fun?


  1. Destruction for the fun of it makes my blood boil. I fear for the future at times. What kind of adults and parents will they make when this is their idea of a good time. We can only hope that these are the minority. I feel for your children at school who will be upset. Hope you are feeling ok as well.

    1. We strongly suspect ex pupils. They've ripped our polytunnel several times, they destroyed our playhouse which was donated by a parent, they just break everything. This is a new low. CCTV picked up 3 figures but it was dark and you can't see their faces.

      Feeling grotty is a good way to describe myself today. Wee bit dizzy and tired but I've been at work in the past feeling more ill than this!! And I know that's not a good thing!

  2. Lets hope the smoke or fumes from whatever they were sniffing before the fire render them infertile so they can't produce more useles wotsits to do such things in the future. x

    1. That actually made me properly laugh! I'm guessing they were drunk or high. It was very cold here last night, below zero so starting a fire to keep warm must have seemed like a good idea!!

  3. I also laughed at the Billy Connolly joke, we need the humour to get us through.

  4. Sickening.
    My late Dad would have said they need horsewhipping!
    Hope you get much better soon

    1. Thanks, fingers crossed I'm negative on days 6&7. I don't know what the answer is, I don't understand why they do it.

  5. I wish I had something constructive to add about the mindless vandals - how would they react if we got hold of their favourite electronic devices and torched them?

    Many years ago (more than 3 decades 😀) I had the pleasure of seeing The Big Yin at one of the major London theatres. I remember laughing so much I was crying and couldn't breathe - that was around the point I think the pair of us fell off our seats and ended up in the footwell! And all that without alcohol!

    Hope you continue to make a good recovery.

    1. Yep, a wee bonfire for their mobile phones!!! That would teach them!

      I saw Billy at the Hammersmith Apollo in the late 90s. I laughed so much I had sore ribs for days. Also remember our hotel fire alarm went off at 2am and we were standing shivering in the car park in the freezing cold!!

  6. Oh my, how utterly soul destroying. I hope they find the culprits.

    God bless.

    1. We've got 3 figures on CCTV footage but it's too dark to see their faces. Unless they're seen more clearly on other footage elsewhere I doubt we'll catch them

  7. Why don't their parents know/care where they are and what they are doing? I fear for our society, I really do. So many people have no interest in raising their children properly.
    It would be great if you catch them and they are made to stand in front of the youngsters and explain why they destroyed their equipment.

    Hope you're steadily feeling better.

    1. Sadly many parents themselves would be drunk or high at that time and not even know their kids weren't home. Drugs and alcohol play a huge part in areas of our community (not all as we do have some hard working caring parents) so a lot of teens don't actually know any different. That's the hardest part of all :-(


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