Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Of course!!


Of course it's October now so obviously I've caught a nasty bug/virus!!! ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„  I literally woke up yesterday morning with streaming sinuses, blocked ears, a sore throat and a raspy cough.  So far I'm managing work but frankly I don't know if I'll last the week.  I've tested negative for you-know-what but it's mutated so much I suspect the tests don't pick it up.

I'm getting by on paracetamol and drinking hot honey and lemon.  We've currently got 4 members of staff absent with it (and loads of kids) and I fear I may be the 5th!!


  1. Same here, we both came down with colds. We are on a road trip. We didn't bother testing for the same reason.

  2. Get well soon. These viruses spread so easily in schools don't they - and they don't give out medals for keeping going either!
    Alison in Wales x

  3. I sure hope you feel better soon. Iโ€™m just getting over the you-know- what myself and it was no fun. Praying thatโ€™s not the case for you!

  4. Hopefully you feel better very soon. Fall seems to bring out more viruses every year.

    God bless.

  5. Please stay off if you need to, Ali, and donโ€™t struggle on til Friday, Catriona


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