Thursday, 16 March 2023

Inevitable I guess


I guess it was inevitable that after going back to work last week while not 100% meant I crashed and burned.  Yep, I have a secondary chest infection (history repeating itself) and I'm off work.  And I have a feeling I'll not be back.  It seems that my work besties and my family have all been concerned about me for a while.  I'm burnt out and exhausted.  They're all advising me to get signed off long term and just retire at the Summer as planned.  It's tempting.  I laughed (hollowly) yesterday when I found out it took 2 experienced teachers to team teach my class.  And they had my SLA most of the day too.  3 adults for 15 kids.  That sums it up nicely I think.

Anyone been watching Jamie's £1 Wonders?  It seems people love him or hate him and he gets a lot of unnecessary (in my opinion) abuse.  From what I've read the criticism comes from folk who don't understand that it's under £1 per portion by clever buying and cooking in bulk.  Of course we frugallers already know how to make meals on a low budget but I'm always open to new ideas.  On Sunday I made his savoury pancake bake which is layers of crepe style pancakes with a cheesy sauce with frozen spinach through it.  His version had cooked ham as well but I made it veggie/dairy and gluten free and served it with chorizo on the side as that's what I had in the freezer. It was absolutely delicious and the leftovers reheated nicely for lunch next day.  I can't find a link to the recipe but you can sign up for all his recipes (free) HERE 😋


  1. Hi Ali, I think you'd be wise to get signed off long term. I was in a high stress job and crashed and burned with a viral chest infection and couldn't work for the final six weeks of my working life. I needed 2 sick lines as the GP said she could only sign me off for 3 weeks at a time. It took me 18 months to begin to feel better. I'd simply burnt out doing the impossible. Time to put yourself first!

    1. I'm thinking that's probably the most sensible thing to do. I am trying to do the impossible on an empty tank xxx

  2. WintersEndRambler16 March 2023 at 08:58

    Just remember if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got before...maybe be brave...think of yourself first and let your body rest. x

    1. That is so true. I do need to put myself first xxx

  3. Getting a secondary chest infection sounds horrible, hope you take time to get really better before you go back - if you decide to.
    3 Adults for 15 children sounds crazy - how things have changed!

    1. I'm definitely taking time, don't really have an option. And yep, crazy for P1/Reception/Kindergarten stage xxx

  4. Ali, I know you read John's Going Gently blog so take note of what he's saying about self care. It's definitely time to put yourself and your health first x

    1. Yes, he's quite right. Health is everything xxx

  5. I worked for donkeys years in the NHS and you definitely don't get medals for carrying on working when you really shouldn't be. Time to put yourself to the top of your list.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. That is so true!! The more you do with less time and resources the more gets piled on you. Me first for a change xxx

  6. Please, Ali, listen to your body and take an extended time off work. You are truly burnt out with the amount of thought, care, prep and resources you give to your job. You can take time to heal your body and get yourself ready for retirement from teaching. Ask your doctor for a sick line for as long as you need and only when you are fully recovered should you think of going back to work. My advice to you, if I were a colleague, would be to stay at home until you are retired. Don’t ruin your health and future for a system that has been broken by too many demands and too little investment. Catrionax

    1. If I was advising a colleague I'd be advising them to take the time off!!! I'm not very good at following my own advice but I am concerned I'll damage my health long term. There are more teachers than permanent jobs so I'll be replaced in a flash. I'll get a Fit Note next week and hopefully get to speak to my GP and be signed off xxx

  7. I hope the time off will allow you to fully recover. If it were me, I would be tempted to tell them that since it takes two experienced teachers to do my job, then I wouldn't be returning unless I am paid twice as much! :) ~ skye

    1. LOL! If only!! I couldn't believe it when I heard there were 2 teachers in my class. I was promised after the inspection in Feb that someone would come in and team teach with me but they managed to talk their way out of it *rolls eyes* Luckily I have documented everything ;-) and am meeting my union rep next week xxx

  8. Wow Alli definitely prioritise yourself. I’ve been in a similar situation for the past almost 5 years. High stress, unreasonable demands and a boss who specialises in gaslighting undermining….you get the picture. I have recently been diagnosed with cancer and what a wake up call. I need out or I won’t have a future. Such a shame education is so broken…not the job I signed up for

    1. Blimey! That's definitely a wake up call to make big changes for you. Hope you are ok. And yep, it's not the job I signed up for either xxx

  9. Hugs and healing wishes for you Ali. Thanks for the Jamie link, I finally signed up.

    1. Thanks! I've also discovered he has a YouTube channel too xxx

  10. I do hope you stay home and get healthy. If family and friends are worried they must have seen something that you are missing. Would taking long term affect your pension?

    God bless.

    1. I didn't realise just how much the job was making me physically AND mentally ill until literally everyone was saying take time off. Being off long term won't affect my pension but even if it did I'd still be off! xxx

  11. As someone who has worked in a high needs three to five year olds classroom in Colorado, I know just how exhausting it can be. You don’t get to even catch your breath between each crisis. The “higher ups” say all the correct words, but really have no idea of what can happen in the classroom on a daily basis. When I finally said enough, I can’t do this anymore, it was such a relief, but I did miss the kids terribly. Good luck!

    1. I already miss my kids even the really challenging ones!! I know my absence will be affecting them. But you can't pour from an empty cup and all that xxx

  12. Joining in with all the others above - take time off and then retire! No time or allowance is ever given to convalesce these days so it's no wonder that you're exhausted with another chest infection. I hope you can rest, relax and heal. Mindo

    1. Thanks! Doing lots of resting this week, just need to work on the relaxing and healing xxx


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