Saturday, 8 April 2023

It feels like Spring!

It's amazing what a few continuous days of sunshine can do to your mood 😊  It's been cold and frosty  at times but Spring is here at last.  Now it will rain and snow for weeks cos I jinxed it!!  My heather is in full bloom and attracting bees 🐝  My peaches and cream tulips are opening up 🌷 The asparagus is finally popping through the surface.  I was worried planting the strawberries in the same bed had killed them even though they're recommended to be planted together! πŸ“  And Tuppence is in good health as you can see by her bright red upright comb πŸ”

Today I checked my cuttings from last year and topped them up with fresh compost.  These were the prunings from my bushes at the plot.  They rooted really easily!  So I now have another 3 redcurrant and 3 blackcurrant bushes, all for free!!  The other one is from the goji berry plant my mum rescued and gave me.  I have 2 plants with no idea how to encourage fruit.  I'll need to do some research!

After my big supermarket spending last month I did a stocktake of my cupboards and freezer.  These freezer tubs have single servings of a type of cooked meat (chicken, beef stew, sausage casserole and beef in gravy.)  That's 21 meat based meals plus the cooked chicken sausages from the other day and a pack of smoked duck my DIL got at Lidl for 70p.  So I have plenty of food to last me through April.  I took the last tub of rhubarb out the freezer to make a crumble as this year's rhubarb is almost ready for picking. 

I finished another pair of socks 🧦  These ones are for my friend who is Irish (the one who drew my allotment picture.)  I hope she likes the vivid greens ☘  I've cast on another pair from a ball of sock yarn I've had so long I can't remember if I bought or it was given to me!!  It's an odd combination of white/blue/orange/black.  My DIL said she quite liked the colours so I'm now knitting them for her!  She's a bit excited! 

And just because, here's another photo of my beautiful Sarah Raven tulips! 🌷🌷🌷


  1. Oh Ali that is a glorious patch of tulips πŸ™‚. I only have red that were already in the garden at this house, perhaps I should consider a raft of new colours and get planting. Happy Easter. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. They are so gorgeous in real life! Have a look at the Sarah Raven website for her colourful collections. I bought them 3 years ago almost at the end of the season for planting and got 25% off :-)

  2. Your tulips are gorgeous and well done on finishing the socks. We’re hanging Β£60 a roll wall covering to try and stop mould in our bedroom-it’s not going well so far. Catriona

    1. Decent wallpaper is so expensive. Hope you've managed to put it up wrinkle free! :-)

    2. The first roll had a huge crease which had to be cut off and the last 12” was stuck to a cardboard tube. It is fleece lined at the back and has special adhesive that is put on the wall. After 2days it will then need to be papered over with special lining paper then painted. It better keep the mould away because goodness knows how it will ever come off. It’s the gable end of a bungalow and gets the worst of the wind and rain. Catriona

    3. Hope it helps with the mould after all that effort!

  3. Beautiful pix. We are still snow here.

    1. We could still get snow here, it's happened before! :-)

  4. You jinxed it!! We've had glorious sunshine for the last three days and now the heavens have opened and we have torrential rain again ... and it's sooooo cold. ;-)

    I'm not cross with you really, and isn't it lovely to have all that food security in the freezer. :-)

    1. Ha ha, sorry!! Typical April showers though! I do love knowing I have enough food if I can't get out or if someone else needs it :-)

  5. The Sarah Raven tulips may be pricey but totally worth it in quality and longevity I've found - gorgeous
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Agree! Some things are worth paying a bit more :-)


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