Tuesday 5 September 2023

Luna and leeks

As you can see Luna is very well and has loads of energy!!  We've got an appt at the vet school today so hopefully she'll get signed off and we can get her vaccinations sorted out.  Her litter mates are all out and about going for walks.  Poor Emma doesn't get much peace so they're kept apart most of the time to give an old lady Lab a break.

She really is a wee sun worshipper, loves lying on the floor level windowsill watching the world go by!  Soon she'll be too big to lie on it!  You can just see my leeks in the blue raised bed on the right and courgettes and newly planted red kale in the one on the left!

Those leeks made a very delicious chicken and leek pie!! I just sauteed them in the chicken fat before adding some flour and stock.  It made the most amazing sauce for the chicken.

Yesterday's lunch was leftover pie and a baked potato.  Leeks and potatoes are home grown! 😋

Rhubarb and strawberry crumble using home grown fruit from the freezer.  I really need to sort out my freezer, again.  I know what's in there but it's all a big jumble!!  I think I've still got one more bag of last year's plums to use up.  I should really check to see what is left from last year before I start using this year's produce.  Chest freezers are fantastic but I've yet to find a way to keep on top of using up stuff in rotation.


  1. Wow-Luna is a ball of energy. Fingers crossed for your vet visit. Agree about chest freezers-I no longer have one just a large upright as I don’t have space now for a chest freezer in the garage. Another scorcher of a day so plenty of sun for Luna. Catriona

    1. Yep, too much energy at times!! I don't think I'll take my chest freezer with me when I move. Depending on the kitchen/garage situation, I'll just get a larger upright one, much easier to manage! :-) xxx

  2. So pleased to hear Luna is on the mend and almost ready for walkies. Buy a magnetic whiteboard to list your freezer contents and the stick it in the front, easy to update when you use stuff and refill. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Definitely on the mend but it's still at least 3 weeks before she'll get out for a walk. I've tried keeping a list of freezer 'stuff' but I'm not organised enough to keep it updated! :-) xxx

  3. Lovely to see Luna so full of life. x

  4. Cant beat a good rummage in the freezer and a game of guess the thing where the label's fallen off lol

    1. LOL!! I'm pretty good at the labelling (ie Sharpie!!) but I just keep adding more and more on top!! :-) xxx

  5. Luna's certainly got her mojo back - I bet Emma doesn't know what's hit her. Good idea to give them both time apart. I think it was Joy who had the idea of separating her chest freezer stuff into big shopping bags to keep it all together in her freezer - those sturdy 'bag for life' ones you can buy for a couple of quid in the supermarkets I think. That's if I remember right!

    1. Emma kinda wants to play with her but Luna is just all about the biting and barking. And Emma just can't be bothered with that!! i really should do some sort of bag system esp to keep meat, fruit and veggies apart! :-) xxx

  6. It was surprising what we found at the bottom of our chest freezer when we moved from Wales ... we even left some of it behind with a note for the new owners.

    Nice to see Luna full of energy, but you fired my resolve never to get another puppy. :-)

    1. Yep, puppies are exhausting especially one who has been very sick but is now bouncing back with a vengeance!! :-) xxx

  7. Lovely to see Luna full of energy. Lovely bit of home cooking there - who doesn't like a slice of pie ? x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Can't beat a good pie and crumble!!! :-) xxx


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