Friday, 23 February 2024

Some DIY at last!

Luna was at puppy day care today so I finally made a start on the wallpaper in my craft room.  I decided not to do the feature wall using the flowery wallpaper I bought last year and will save it for my next house.

It's by Arthouse and it's called Summer Garden.  It's rather bold and maybe not to everyone's taste!  It comes in different coloured backgrounds (white, charcoal and grey.)  Mine is the grey colourway above.  

So I'm doing the whole thing in the boring wallpaper and leaving it unpainted.  It's quite thick so I hoped it would cover all the imperfections.  It's looking ok so far. 

I had only bought 2 rolls and used them up more quickly than I thought.  So I had to get more from B&Q HERE.  By the time I got them I was burst for the day, mostly from moving the furniture around like Tetris!!  It's already looking clean, fresh and rather bright which is what you want for potential buyers.

I've ordered some packing boxes, tape and bubble wrap.  They'll arrive tomorrow (Saturday) and I'll start packing up some 'stuff.'   It feels like I'm finally on the last stretch before the last big clean and tidy up for the marketing photos👍


  1. Well done you! I think you are wise to save your nice wallpaper for your next house. Catriona

    1. I've added a picture of it. It's rather bright!! LOL! :-) xxx

    2. I love it, Ali. It’s just my taste.

  2. Exciting times ahead, well done you for your steadfast and pragmatic approach to readying for your move, I salute you 👏🏻👏🏻. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I've got a deadline in mind and I want to stick to it! :-) xxx

  3. I really like that wallpaper - but just for one wall, I think! Packing and moving house is so stressful - good thing you're starting early.

    1. Yes just one wall!! Even I wouldn't do a whole room in it!!! :-) xxx

  4. I agree about saving the wall paper for your new place. I would love to repaint my sewing/craft room but I really don't feel like playing "Tetris" with the furniture.

    God bless.

    1. It took me an hour to move the furniture and stuff around before I could even start! That's what tired me out :-) xxx

  5. You really are on a roll, Ali! I can see a successful sale on the horizon!

    1. Yep, it feels like I've got the ball rolling now :-) xxx

  6. Pretty paper and a good idea to save it.
    Hope things carry on going to plan for moving

    1. When I've been looking at houses for sale online one of the things I consider is the decor. The professionals always advise a blank canvas and depersonalise everything. My walls are all white or cream (except the kitchen and my bedroom), carpets and flooring are neutral so there's nothing too out there!! My pretty wallpaper will find a place in the next house :-) xxx

  7. You are so organised! I still remember the awful day when we last moved house, so not ready! Even the removal man was helping me to pack things up! Never again!

    1. Bits of me are well organised!! I still have unpacked boxes from my last move 11 years ago hidden in the eaves. Once I have a sold sign I'll be decluttering and packing like mad!! :-) xxx

  8. The wall paper is gorgeous. Really looking forward to reading about your house moving adventures 😀
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I'm hoping it's a nice easy adventure!!! :-) xxx

  9. I love the wallpaper but wouldn't be brave enough to use it. I'm more of a plain bright colour girl myself 😁
    You're making such good progress, I bet you can't wait to get the place on the market and find your next, and forever?, home.

    1. I like to put vivid wallpaper or bright colours inside cupboards and wardrobes ;-) I've now worked my way up to doing it on walls! Yep can't wait to get moving :-) xxx

  10. Just love that wallpaper! (but you know I would be the one lol). I want to do my hall this year, so went off to have a look for it, but can't find it online. It's not on their website either so probably discontinued (said 2019) :( I need enough for the whole hall :) Will keep looking.

    1. I got it reduced in Dunelm last year so it was probably the end of the line. Arthouse does some other funky designs too :-) xxx

  11. A really good idea to save that lovely paper for your next place and keep this one boringly neutral ready for sale.
    Our Welsh flat is about to go on the market and it looks very plain on the proofs we have just had, but the estate agent has put the wrong sale price on the brochure so it's a good job they were only proofs!

    1. When I was selling my previous house the surveyor doing the home report missed out a whole floor and changed the number of bedrooms!! You have to be on the ball checking important stuff like that :-) xxx


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