Tuesday, 8 October 2024

New beginnings


So after much thought, I've decided to close this blog.  I'll keep it up but will close comments by the end of the week.  I'll now be blogging at Ali Lives Well on Less.

This is my 4th blog in 17 years but definitely the longest running one.  And it's a record of everything I've done and been through in the last 14 years.  It has a lot of personal details so those of you who have been here since the early days know how I got to where I am now!

It was thanks to you guys and my DIL that I picked up my phone and started making videos for YouTube.  It was thanks to you guys that my wee channel got it's first 500 subscribers which alerted the algorithm that promoted it.  And then the rest is history!  Current subscribers number is 6,846 and the total views is almost half a million!!! 😮 I've also been approached to review some products!! 😮😮

I'll still be blogging about all the same things on the new blog but there will be less personal details. And it will be mostly linked to the videos  Huge thanks to all of you who checked ways of finding this blog, I've tried to remove all photos and details that could identify my family to a wider audience.  

Comment moderation will be turned on as judging by some of the comments I get on YT, there are some weird people out there!!  There are also some genuinely lovely people out there who have been through some tough times so I hope that we can help each other.  A few folk have commented that despite retiring I'm still teaching!  And I kinda like that description although I do try very hard not to use my 'teacher's voice' 😂

So, huge big mega THANK YOU to you all for supporting me on the journey!!  I do hope you'll continue to stay with me as you all have a wealth of knowledge and experience too that's worth sharing.

Much love to you all 💕💕💕

Ali xxx


  1. That all makes such perfect sense, a good decision. I can't wait to follow your foody journey and all that's linked to it. Perhaps some regular shopping 'hauls' (I hate that word, but can't think of another, is there a Scottish equivalent?), those always seem really interesting to YouTube watchers, especially as a couple of people who used to do a regular weekly one have recently just vanished. I guess sharing your shopping each week can seem repetitive to the person doing it, but the following on YouTube seem to really enjoy it.

    Whatever happens I'll be following you, as I have since way back in the day ... I think we know far too much about each others lives, but in a good way. :-)

    1. I don't get the shopping 'hauls' either! The Scottish word I grew up with for your shopping is 'messages!' Thanks for being one of my biggest supporters Sue! I agree we know a lot about each other after 14 years!! :-) xxx

  2. It's great that you are moving forward in such a positive way.
    I'm sure I'll be checking in to your new blog even though I don't do much
    YouTube xxx
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks! Any support is much appreciated :-) xxx

  3. So exciting for you to have such wonderful success with the new venture. And even those of us who don't spend much time on YouTube will be enjoying the new blog and cheering you on!

  4. I think that's a good idea. I've been following your progress for donkey's years and will continue to do so.

  5. I’ve followed you for years Ali and look forward to being part of your new blog and channel. Catriona

    1. Thanks Catriona, you're another one who has been a fab supporter over many years :-) xxx

  6. I've followed your blog since the beginning and have commented on the odd occasion. I will miss this blog but understand why you are closing it. I've been enjoying the vlogs and will continue to follow along over there.

    1. Thanks Janice, your support is much appreciated :-) xxx

  7. Liebe Ali,sehr nachvollziehbar. Viel Spaß und Erfolg. Ich werde Ihren neuen Blog folgen. Es ist absolut sinnvoll bescheidener zu leben. Auch in Deutschland. Leider kann ich kein Englisch verstehen. Aber werde den neuen Blog folgen. Liebe Grüße Katja

    1. Thank you. I think you can add subtitles and change the language. I do this on a few channels that are not in English :-) xxx

  8. So sorry you're moving on - don't like video blogs so it's a fond farewell from me, I wish you well I've enjoyed sharing your high's and lows over recent years, all the best to you, Elaine

    1. Thanks! There will be the same content on my new blog, just less personal details :-) xxx

  9. Wishing you all the best with the new venture, Ally! I'll miss this wee corner of the blogosphere (another long time follower, from when I lived in Stirling). But look forward to keeping up with you in your new online space. xxx

    1. Thanks! How's your new house situation? :-) xxx

    2. Fab, thanks, Ali. Very glad to be in, and getting gradually sorted out. And the cats are settled and happy xxx

    3. That's great, as long as the fur babies are happy all is well :-) xxx

  10. Aw, I'll miss your blog here but I'll find your new one and subscribe to it. Well done on the success of your You Tubing. Take care xx

    1. Thanks! Link is in the post above :-) xxx

  11. Aah bless you. I’ve read your blogs for all those years and shall miss you. Not commented much, but always rooting for you. Good luck with your new blog and new life! Please guard your mental health out there! Wishing you all the best. Big hugs, Donna xx

    1. Thanks! I'll still be blogging just with less personal details. Same old rubbish!! :-) xxx

  12. Once a teacher, always a teacher, I reckon. I have a little sign that says 'Please don't make me use my teacher voice.' and it makes me smile every time I look at it.

    I love your vlog and it deserves every success that comes its way. Thanks very much. xx

    1. Aww, thanks Joy. Yep, I can hear my teacher voice sometimes when I'm explaining something! LOL!!! :-) xxx

  13. I'm really enjoying your YouTube videos and, yep, I can sometimes hear a tiny bit of your 'teacher's voice'! But I love it!

  14. You're stunning !


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