Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!! I hope you've been enjoying some down time with family and friends.  We had a simple Christmas and a fairly quiet Hogmanay.  We walked up to the castle for the organised display and had a perfect position under the fireworks to welcome in the New Year.

I've spent the last week doing lots of thinking and planning for the year ahead.  And lots of decluttering!  Parts of my house are looking good, the rest I'm working on!!  More on that later 😊

So here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2019 for us all  πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‡


  1. Happy New Year. May it bring you good health. x

    1. Happy New Year! Wishing you good health too xxx

    2. I have to ask! Why the very specific amount for your 2019 clothing budget?? I'm only being nosy so feel free to ignore me!! x

    3. Ha ha! Well spotted!! I under spent last year so carried it forward and added it to my usual Β£500 :-)

  2. I have had a good sort out of my craft drawers, got rid of loads of half used stuff, will take it to our local school. Tree and dec's come down today.

    1. I took mine down on Boxing Day! Mainly because I was putting other stuff away in the eaves and decluttering anyway :-)

  3. I watched the earlier fireworks from a friend's garden in Riverside. Wishing you a healthy and satisfying year ahead, at work and at home.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes, right back at ya! xxx

  4. I went to bed well before midnight, party animal that I am. I need toset some discretionary budget goals like yours for clothes, I suppose.

    1. To be fair I was dragged reluctantly as I would have been quite happy to go to bed! Working out a budget really stopped me over spending on clothes. My budget is quite low compared so you might need more xxx


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