Monday, 15 November 2021

Some random stuff


For every problem there is a solution (except death and taxes!) and so the kitchen storage solutions are beginning to take shape.  Plate racks in the cupboard make easier access and have freed up some space.

Boxes with lids for extra pantry essentials storage.

New stool to reach storage boxes!!

The weather here has turned very damp and chilly so Emma and I have been enjoying the wood burner.  I coughed all weekend and I'm pretty sure it's from the dampness.  I did manage outside twice into the garden to clear 3 raised beds and I planted up one with tulips.

These ones from Sarah Raven, called Apricot Beauty Mix.  I don't think I've planted tulips before so fingers crossed they grow!  I also collected some seed heads to dry so I've got a good selection of saved seed from this year.  Real Seeds opened their order books today so I've ordered some squash, tomatillo and tomato seeds.  All heritage varieties that can be used for seed saving.  In fact this wee company actively encourage you to save seeds!! Link HERE for UK customers.

My YouTube wanderings have unearthed a fab channel called The Last Homely House and oh my, I'm loving it!!  Kate sews/knits/spins/writes/cooks and keeps bees/cats/poultry in the North of England.  She sells things on her website and I'm just loving her chatty vlogs.  Do check her out HERE ðŸ˜Š


  1. You are just proving there are solutions to most problems once you think outside the box. Looks cozy in your house!

    1. Yep, sometimes it can cost money or you may need a favour from someone. You might be uncomfortable dealing with it and you might hate doing it but I firmly believe you can solve any problem.

      It's very cosy when the wood burner is lit!

  2. Love The Last Homely House! Wished I could have justified ordering one of her Christmas Boxes - they sold out within minutes!!

    1. All sold in 15 minutes!! The contents were beautiful and I loved her vlogs talking about each item.

  3. Your living room and fire look lovely and Cosy. It's been unseasonably cold and damp in southern Australia this week, we had taken the winter bedding off and had to find an extra blanket and turn the heater on.

    1. Thanks! I'm just about to change my bedding to my Winter set and be extra cosy!

  4. Those tulips are lovely. They'll be a picture come the spring.

    1. I've planted them in my middle raised bed in the front garden so they should be the first burst of colour in the Spring!

  5. The tulips will look gorgeous - there are so many pretty collections around now.
    I used to buy from Real Seeds but they didn't always do well in the driest part of Suffolk

    1. I like their seeds from places like Russia as I figure if they can be grown there they'll grow in Scotland! And we never have an issue with dryness, LOL!!

  6. I've been watching the Last Homely House for a few weeks, but the comments hysteria about the boxes has put me off. I like some of it, but find a lot of it a bit samey, and similar to other Youtubes now. I suppose at my stage in the game I'm looking for something a bit different now. Bandwagons and petticoat tails.

    Just be thankful I'm not doing my own Youtube! lol

    1. You should totally do your own YouTube! LOL!!!

  7. In our house Sarah Raven is known as 'The Temptress'! I am now off to look at the Real Seeds link as I have never heard of it before and it sounds just my kind of thing.

    1. I'm a sucker for her beautifully photographed plants!!! But they're good quality and I've never had a failure yet. Love Real Seeds' approach even though they're doing themselves out of future seed sales!

  8. I need a place to put my ladder in the kitchen....I am forever grabbing it to move into the kitchen from the cupboard in the hallway.

    God bless.

    1. I do have a similar wooden stool but it gets used for painting and decorating too. A simple black one is for the kitchen and the other one can live in the garage until needed :-)


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