Monday 10 October 2022

On the mend!

I'm definitely on the mend at last!!  After 4 days in bed I managed to stay up all day yesterday 🙌  Still got a bit of a cough and my ears are whooshing 🙄  Thank goodness the school October break has begun!

I still don't have an appetite but knew I had to eat something.  So on Saturday night I defrosted some mashed potatoes (the Cara ones from the plot) and made a beany volcano!  I used to make this for my youngest son when he was a wee boy!  He likes the potatoes to have cheese in them too 😋

Yesterday I made a caramel sauce to have with some bananas since bananas are healthy! 😉 No recipe, just chucked some brown sugar in a pan with a large knob of goat's butter.  Melted it a bit and added some Alpro cream when it was bubbling.  Took 5 mins.  It was absolutely delicious!! I'll be making that again 😋😋😋

Since I was feeling much better I got started on the Big Declutter.  I've filled a few black bags with un-recyclable stuff and several bags for life with 'stuff' for the reuse hub.  I'm getting carpets fitted on the 19th and my son and his wife move in on 21st.  I've also arranged to have some of the bigger pieces of furniture removed on the same day.  I've got 2 rooms and a hall landing to paint before then.  Just my usual silk white emulsion and satinwood.  Totally doable, right?? 😱


  1. My mum used to tell us off for making volcanoes...."stop playing with your food and just eat it!" lol. She was probably right, it was probably just a delaying tactic with us kids so we didn't have to eat it! Glad you're feeling better.....although you might not be after all that work!!

    1. I would also 'hide' healthy veggies in there too saying it was lava rocks!! I'm just doing a wee bit at a time and resting in between :-)

  2. I'm so very glad you are starting to pick up and what a handy time to have half term. Ours isn't for another fortnight down here. xx

    1. We get 2 weeks now. It used to be just 1 but parents/teachers were consulted and most councils in Scotland now do 2 weeks. Gets you rested in time for the big gear change in the run up to Christmas!! xxx

    2. Glad you are feeling better, Ali, but please pace yourself. Mashed potatoes are the ultimate comfort food and I too put cheese on mine! Catriona

    3. Don't worry, I'm pacing myself. Resting in between tasks :-)

  3. Glad to read that you are on the mend and resting after doing those tasks.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks! I'm being very sensible and not over doing it :-)


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