Saturday 12 August 2023

Demons and whey


Do not be fooled by that sweet face!!!  This demon had a 2 hour long tantrum this morning because a) she was over tired and b) I wouldn't let her jump up on the chair onto my knee.  She ran around barking, yelping, biting my feet and took many a flying leap at me including once at my face as I was trying to distract her with a toy.  

In the end I put her in her crate and let her bark and howl for 2 mins.  Every time she stopped I gave lots of praise and a piece of kibble if she sat on command.  She quickly learned that if she sat quietly she gets a Scooby snack!!!  Wee madam!  I've now got her on a house line (long lead that I hold all time) so I can control her if she starts to do something she shouldn't be doing (like biting poor Emma!)  I've never needed to use one before so I'm interested to see if it works.  So far so good 🤞 Sitting training is going well and she can play fetch although she hasn't grasped the give it back part yet! 😂

Unfortunately the tests from the vet came back positive for giardia and a few other nasty parasites.  The timeline suggests it came from the breeder so I'm in discussion with them as to who is paying the £400 for the vet treatment.  I do have the 4 week free KC puppy insurance but if I claim it back it will affect my monthly premiums going forward.  And from now on I'll have to declare she has had treatment for  a gut issue and she won't be covered for any future gastro upsets 😠 This is very annoying as the vet said we don't know if she'll end up having long term issues as a result of this upset.

I splashed out and bought a new digital yoghurt maker.  This one HERE from Lakeland although I got mine on Amazon.  It comes with a great wee booklet on the different ways to use it.  I've really enjoyed eating a lot of Greek yoghurt lately as part of cutting out ultra processed foods but it's rather expensive to buy.  So I tried making my own.  Oh my goodness, it's flippin' delicious!! 😋 I need to work out the costings but I reckon it's still cheaper to make (despite the initial outlay) than buying the vast quantities I've been using!  I used 900ml of organic whole milk and 100ml organic plain yoghurt  and that made just over 550g of thick yoghurt and 300ml of whey.

I knew I could use up the whey in baking and maybe make ricotta cheese.  But I did some googling to find out other ways to use it up.  Have a look HERE for 18+ suggestions of how to use whey leftover from straining yoghurt.  Read the comments too as there's loads more ideas!!


  1. There is an ancient drink from Shetland called blaand that was made from fermenting whey left from cheese making. I made it once, but never got to try it - ex, for reasons he didn't share, tipped it down the sink. It was at a particularly bad time, I couldn't ask, so never found out why. I'm hoping to get back into my cheesemaking, so will have another go.

    1. Interesting! I'll have to go look that up :-)

  2. I've been making yogurt too. I'm using the stove method in quart jars and then popping in the oven with the light on over night. It works like a charm and as you say costs a fraction of store yogurt. Your puppy is quite cute.

    1. Thanks, she is very cute and knows it!! I've tried several ways to make yoghurt over the years with varying success. I've found the yoghurt maker works consistently best for me but just love that making yoghurt is so cheap :-)

  3. I have often "thought" about making yogurt, but never got beyond that.

    God bless.

    1. I go through phases of eating yoghurt but have really got into Greek yoghurt lately. The good stuff is so expensive to buy but cheap to make yourself! :-)

  4. My Instapot has a yoghurt setting and I sometimes indulge.

    1. I've read about loads of folk who do yoghurt in their Instapot :-)

  5. Presumably dogs have a microbiome that needs looking after too. Hopefully there are foods that you can give Luna that will help restore her gut health?

    1. Yes! I will definitely be looking into this once Luna has finished her drug treatment and gets the all clear from my vet :-)

  6. Poor little Luna, hope she fully recovers from that gut thing. Good for you on the firm puppy training, it pays off eventually doesn't it?
    That yogurt looks amazing, I have made yogurt a few times with a thermos, a bit hit and miss......... the gadget is a great idea.
    Alison in Wales x

  7. Sorry to hear a out Luna’s illness and hope you don’t end up having to pay. I have a Lakeland order on the way of the greek yoghurt sachets-I just use the thermos style yoghurt maker. My daughter and I share the ordering of the sachets and I had a 20% off voucher which helps. It’s curry tonight and I’ll pop a big spoonful onto mine to take out some heat. Catriona


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