Tuesday, 15 August 2023

First day!


I got a message last night from my work besties asking me how my first day of retirement went.  My reply was 'mainly puppy wrangling!'  Luna continues to thrive and her feisty personality is coming through.  Like all puppies, she's a whirlwind for a time then just falls asleep where she is! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm starting to do more things while she plays by herself and found her asleep in her crate (door is always open during the day) while I made myself lunch.  Yes she's cute but she needs a firm hand!!

One of the wee jobs I did yesterday was to sort and save the seeds from some astrantia that came from my Lovely Mum's garden.  They are a very pretty pink colour.  I'm hoping to plant them at the allotment as part of my aim to get more perennial flowers there.

I did manage a very quick pop in to the plot with Emma (to give her a break from Luna!) to check on my tomatoes.  They're growing well and getting big, none are ripe yet.  But I did pick my first ever home grown cucumber!!!  I've planted them a few times but they've never got to this stage before.  It's so delicious!!! ๐Ÿ˜‹ I hope I get a few more so I can make bread and butter pickles! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

All in all not a dramatic or particularly exciting first day of retirement but I did have a huge grin on my face when the clock hit 9am.  I looked at the sleeping puppy at my feet, took a big sip of coffee and thought yep, this is definitely where I want to be right now ๐Ÿ’•


  1. It sounds absolutely perfect for a first day and how nice to hear from your work besties. I bet they envy you no end.

    Home grown cucumbers are really lovely, aren't they.

    1. They sent messages and memes all weekend saying how much they'll miss me. I resisted the temptation to ask them how they got on! LOL!! Yep, my wee cucumber is delicious :-) xxx

  2. How lovely. I don't think your cucumber plant will have any difficulty producing plenty of cucumbers - try stopping it !
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Fingers crossed I get more cucumbers than courgettes!!! I've had 1 courgette so far! :-) xxx

  3. The more cucumbers you pick the more you should get, all this wet weather is really suiting cucumber plants this year.

    Yep, the firmer you are with Luna now the better it will be long term. I used to reprimand a puppy and then turn away to grin at it's antics sometimes, they soon forgive you any firmness while they are learning.

    1. Everything is growing well, I'm just not getting enough produce to process yet! Yep, Luna is hilarious but the other household members (who are both in their 30s!) just want to baby her and cuddle her because she's cute. She's at the very bitey stage which isn't at all cute!!! :-) xxx

    2. The way I stopped the bitey stage with all mine was to do what their Mum's and siblings do, emit a loud high-pitched squeal and turn away from them. They usually soon miss the attention and learn that it's the biting that stops the fun.

    3. Yep, that's what I do too :-)

  4. Definitely a good start to your retirement-home grown produce and using your long used strategies with Luna. Youโ€™ll not weary with lively Luna around.Catriona

    1. It's a start but I keep seeing people post about how they've got so much produce they can't keep up!! Although I did pick another full tub of blueberries last night! :-) xxx

  5. Onep 5th when school goes back here, we retirees will get together and ring our school hand bells to celebrate NOT having to be in the classroom!

  6. What a lovely way to spend the first day of your retirement. Enjoy that cucumber and I hope you get as many as you want.

    God bless.

    1. It was so tasty! I do hope I get a lot more :-) xxx


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