Thursday 17 August 2023

What have I done?


There's usually a day or 2 in the first few weeks of owning a new puppy when you ask yourself "What have I done?  Have I made a mistake?" 😂 And it's usually when you're sleep deprived and the over tired puppy is having a tantrum because you're trying to stop it biting everyone cos it's teething.  I think I've passed that point now and Luna's here to stay!  Having a nasty illness from the get go didn't help her get settled quickly but she's finished all her meds now and seems to be chunking up nicely.  She's smart and has learned to sit, give/drop it and wait (kinda) on command so far.  I think once she's allowed out a walk after her second round of vaccinations I'll be able to tire her out more!!!  

In the end I made pancakes from the yoghurt whey.  They were delicious with the last jar of last year's raspberry jam.  I haven't made any jam or chutney yet this year.  I still have 4 small jars of blackcurrant jam and 2 larger jars of apple and plum chutney from last year.  I'd like to use it up before I stock up again.  I've been eating fruit on the plot and from the garden as I pick it or just chucking it in the freezer.  I picked another tub (about 500g) of blueberries and my Lovely Mum has been gifted a large amount of plums from her neighbour.  So there's plenty of fruit in both our freezers.  I think I'll wait until I have a more settled mature puppy who'll let me get on with it!

I saw this recipe in my frugal FB group yesterday and thought it looked good .  I've got a ton of brambles (blackberries) on my plot getting ready to ripen.  I do love a nice hot sauce. Then I wondered if this would be a good way to use up those apple cider vinegar soaked dehydrated raspberries I have lurking in the freezer.  Brambles and raspberries have a similar seedy structure so sieving the sauce at the end would take them out.  Hmm, I think that's a plan, when I have the time obviously!! 🙄🤣


  1. I feel the puppy pain!! Glad to hear Luna is settling in well. Ours is almost 20wks, but his biting continues, albeit not as much as it was. In all other respects he's very good.

    1. Once the big teeth come through it makes all the difference. But I suspect she may be a chewer as everything goes in her mouth!!! Glad your wee one is being a good boy! :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing the recipe - definitely a great use for your vinegar rasps! It'll be an amazing colour. I've always meant to try this sauce:,-150ml
    But in the meantime it looks to be a good year for blackberries so I'll definitely give that recipe a go!

    1. Oooo, that looks amazing!! Blackcurrants and chillies, eh? The ingredients are simple enough that I think I could make that without too much fuss. I've a feeling it may become a sauce making year instead of chutney!! :-)

  3. Yes, it's especially hard in the early days when they can't be walked and have that boundless energy isn't it. We have already decided that there will be no more puppies or kittens for us, only older rescue animals that have at least got their first couple of years under their belt.

    It's good that you've got her now that your mostly home and have the time to give her a good grounding in manners and lots of attention, you will really benefit from this in the years to come.

    Those pancakes look delicious.

    1. 10 more days then she can go outside for a proper walk, not just a run round the garden!! I said no more dogs. Then I said no more dogs until I move. Then I saw Luna!!! :-)

  4. Luna sounds as if she is enjoying life to the full already! It will be good when she can go out to be walked to use up lots of puppy energy. Catriona

    1. Yes, the puppy energy is rather high!! :-)

  5. Thanks for the tip about using the yogurt whey (I didn't know that's what it's called) as I usually just dump it down the drain! Any other ways to use it?

    1. If you go back to my Demons and Whey post, there's a link to an article with 18+ ideas for using whey :-)

  6. That sauce sounds absolutely amazing - do let us know how it goes. xx

    1. Once the chillies in my polytunnel mature I'll give it a go! :-) xxx

  7. Luna looks like a real character already. With our Jas I remember well the ' what have I done? Phase :-)
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yep, definitely turning into a wee character!! :-)

  8. Nice to hear that Luna is getting better. Being able to take her for a walk will definitely tire both of you out.

    God bless.


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