Wednesday 30 August 2023

Pupdate and vets


Home again!

The problem with a new puppy is that you haven't had them long enough to know what is normal for them.  Is it normal for them to poop 6 times a day?  Should they pee every hour? And so on.  I didn't realise at the time but Luna came to me with giardia and another parasite infection.  Or else she picked it up in the first day of being here.  But since Emma is absolutely fine, I'm confident it came from the breeder although I can't prove that!

She had diarrhoea which from past experience I know puppies get due to the stress of leaving their mum and litter mates.  So it took a few days for me to realise that this was a bit more than that.  Not knowing her well enough meant I relied heavily on my vet who prescribed a range of meds and for a wee while she picked up.

Then she was unwell again and the vet took us down a whole scary road of more meds, more tests and an overnight hospital stay.  This maxed out the limit of my insurance who only pay up to £1,500 in vet fees. I paid it upfront and should get most of that back in due course.

So when the vets (I saw 4 different vets at my practice)  convinced me there must be something seriously wrong I had to take their word for it.  She was investigated for Addison's disease, Cushings and a liver shunt.  All these tests, scans and yet more meds plus 4 nights staying at the vet school in Glasgow have cost me £2,700. And I won't get any of that back.  At least I know she doesn't have an underlying health condition.  She still has the original infections and that's why all the blood tests were skewed.

I'm not bashing vets but I do think they jumped very quickly onto pushing me down a route that has put Luna under major stress.  I hope she bounces back quickly after all the scary procedures she's just been through.

Having a pet is a luxury when you're trying to live a frugal life.  Luna's investigations have cost me the equivalent of a full month's salary and I've still to pay for her vaccinations (which are now late so we'll not be able to go outside for walkies for a while yet!)  Thank goodness I had savings or else this story might have had a different ending.

Normal frugal blogging will resume with extra emphasis on having less savings to live on until I sell the house!!!


  1. She looks so small and sad in the photo. I do hope she get's better so you can both start having lots of fun soon

    1. She was soooo tired but kept watching me like a hawk. So I just stayed in my chair for a couple of hours so she could sleep at my feet in her bed. She's back to being bright and bubbly this morning :-)

  2. Look at her little face! I'm hoping she gets back to full health ASAP. I agree about vets. I took my previous lab to my vet after discovering a bit of a limp. He advised no walking for a week and then to return for a check. All was perfectly OK after a week but I took him back for a check. The vet got him up on the table, stretched out his back leg, had a feel and Ted let out an almighty scream. It was panic stations - the vet openly admitted he'd accidentally dislocated Ted's knee cap. He had to have a morphine injection whilst the knee was put right, which turned him into a zombie for 12hrs. Then after all this, I was charged for services!! Like a fool I paid!! I lost Ted 5 months ago sadly, presumed brain haemorrhage due to the speed of events, at just 14mths of age. I'm wishing your lovely Luna all the best going forwards.

    1. Oh my goodness!! That sounds awful, poor Ted. We have to trust that vets know what they're doing but I guess they can get it wrong. And everything costs so much! Luna is back to being a naughty puppy this morning, getting into mischief. Thank goodness!! :-)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Poor baby looks so sorry for herself. Hope she soon recovers and can have her vaccination. Then she can look forward to going walkies:)
    Had to delete previous reply as predictive text had changed walkies to wellies 😂

    1. Love predictive text!! Lol! The only time I can get a decent photo of her is when she's tired and looking sorry for herself. The rest of the time she's a whirlwind!! :-)

  5. That face would bet a piece at any door💕Hope she continues to thrive now that she is back home with you. Catriona

  6. Bless her, I expect she is glad to be back home. Re the vet, it's a difficult one, we all want to do the best by our animals so take their advice, but I suppose they consider the worse scenario. At least you know she has nothing serious wrong with her. Hope she will be 100% soon.

    1. She was so happy to be home. She took each toy out her bed one by one and threw it across the room to chase! I just feel my vet went from zero to 100 by instigating tests and scans and frankly frightening the life out me! She's been quite lively today :-)

  7. I'm so glad you have her back at home with you. Vets bills have risen considerably since covid. Really hoping lovely Luna has turned a corner now x
    Alison in Wales x

  8. Aww she looks so sorry for herself in that photo, but I'm in no doubt that she's a lot happy today knowing that she's back with Mum and people in white coats won't be doing things with her. You really have done her proud.

    I don't have an awful lot of confidence in some vets, with Bella she had fits and I rushed her to the vets. The first vet said she was just a tiny baby and it was natural. When the fits continued over the weekend I rushed her back and she was given antibiotics, the third time I took her in when she was much worse they kept her in for tests and when I phoned to see how she was, I got a cock and bull story about it not being fits but something to do with what she might have eaten. I know fits when I see them!!

    Then I was phoned and told to come and visit her, when I got there she was deaf, blind and shaking from head to foot and I was advised to have her put to sleep as they thought it was a viral brain infection that had caused too much damage. I can't even drive past that particular vet practice without being upset.

    1. Aww, poor wee Bella! I'm just very wary now and am experienced enough to trust my gut now. Luna is doing really well and back to being a typical Lab puppy, into everything! :-)


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