Sunday 5 November 2023

Batch cooking on a tight budget


The Luna saga continues as last week she had an ear infection and needed antibiotics (Labs are prone to itchy ears!) and then yesterday she broke a tooth. Lower canine, totally split into 2 halves 🙄🙄 I've spoken to the vet on the phone and we're going tomorrow (Monday) to see if it needs to be removed.  She also went to puppy day care for a day and loved it so we'll keep that going for a wee while to let me 'get on with stuff' while she learns to behave around other dogs!

I'm so glad I have an emergency fund but it's almost all gone 🤯 So tightening my belt even further is necessary.  I got my November Sainsbury's delivery on the 1st and within an hour, I had an oven full of baking potatoes, sausages and a rice pudding using up some soya milk I had lurking in the cupboard!  And towards the end I put in a tray of bacon to cook.

I'd ordered one of these bargain £7.50 beef joints but they had none left.  So they subbed me with another beef joint that cost a whopping £22.90.  As the sub was a catchweight item it's not covered by their Promise to give you the higher cost item at the lower price of your original item.  So I handed it back to the driver.  They still charge you though and it takes up to 5 working days to get your refund. I'd planned to freeze the beef and use it for my Christmas day meal.  I'll need to think of something else now.

So my main meat for the month is 10 sausages (£3.33) and some frozen chicken breasts (£6 for 1kg) plus whatever else is lurking in the freezer!  I turned some of the potatoes (6 large potatoes for 95p) into wedges to freeze. I defrosted the chicken and cooked them in the Crockpot with a can of pear cider that was lurking in the fridge.  I made quite a few ready meals for the freezer that just need reheating in the microwave.

I chopped up some of the potatoes, sausages and bacon into small pieces and made some pasties!  They were delicious!!  I made some chicken pies that may go to my Lovely Mum at some point if she wants them.  I'm really enjoying making proper pastry again (butter/lard/flour) and using it in different ways.  It really stretches a small amount of meat!

It feels like time is marching on very quickly and I'm not achieving everything I want to quickly enough.  When you've got all the time you want I'm finding I need to be more disciplined than I am currently!


  1. Oh yes, I totally get that about time management and retirement, so easy to to fill days with not very much at all!
    Shame about the beef joint.
    And hope Luna recovers quickly from her bad ear.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I am busy most days but never seem to get what I need done actually done!! At least Luna's ear problem is a normal one!! :-) xxx

  2. Time management is something I had to learn during my first year in retirement. I found myself working on handwork projects all day and not getting the basic household tasks done.

    Sorry about Luna still having problems, hopefully it is just the puppy stage and as she ages things get better.

    God bless.

    1. I've done some reading on it and it's quite common apparently! I think once I move house I'll get into a better routine plus Luna will be older and past the puppy stage! :-) xxx

  3. How could they possibly have thought that was an acceptable sub, given you had to pay the extra. Not very sensible of them, was it?

    Poor you re the Luna saga. Poor Luna too. Hoping things will settle for her soon. xx

    1. The joint I chose should have been £15 without my Nectar card so I guess the picker thought it wasn't such a big jump to £22.90!! But too big a jump from the £7.50!!! I think Luna is just going to be one of those accident prone dogs! Lol!! :-) xxx

  4. Oh poor luna, maybe she's just getting it all done at once then will grow to be the healthiest dog ever!! Time management or no time management whatsoever is a thing in retirement - I know only too well! However the way I look at it is, if it's not that urgent, I can get to it eventually and if it is that urgent, there's hopefully tomorrow!! I hope Luna copes well with fireworks tonight. I fully expect my daughter to appear with her two dogs as they are terrified and she lives near a housing estate with loads of children, I live in a quieter area. My dog couldn't give a hoot about them! Shame about the roast but perhaps another supermarket will follow suit in the near future. x

    1. I certainly hope she's getting everything now in her first year!! She hasn't been in least bit bothered by all the fireworks. I keep telling myself I need to give myself grace as it's not been the planned start to retirement I wanted thanks to things out with my control but it will even out in time :-) xxx


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