Sunday, 4 February 2024


Well, despite costing me a small fortune the beef was actually delicious! ๐Ÿ˜‹ My son and I each had 2 large slices in gravy with roast potatoes and veg for dinner last night.  I then let the joint rest for an hour and sliced it up.  I'm rubbish at carving joints (mainly cos I do it so rarely!) so each slice was a generous 'chunky' one ๐Ÿ˜‚  I layered them in a dish and covered it all in the gravy.

I portioned it up this morning for freezing.  The tubs have a large and a smaller slice (these are for my son) and I wrapped single large slices in individual freezer bags with a few spoonfuls of gravy,  In total the joint gave enough beef for 5 tubs, 7 freezer bags plus the 2 dinners last night.  So 14 meals in total makes it ยฃ1.53 a serving, still way more than I like to spend on meat.  I could have been meaner in my portion sizes and got more servings.  But I decided some of these would be 'treat' meals for my son so I didn't skimp.

I remember years ago in the 70s when I was a child, my parents had a meat slicer (similar to the above) that carved meat into really thin slices.  As I was 'carving' my chunky slices last night I was thinking 'I bet my mum and dad could have got triple the amount of slices I've got!'  ๐Ÿ˜‚


  1. The beef looks delicious! I've wanted a meat slicer for ages - seems I missed put on the ones Lidl had in before Christmas. A lovely Scottish You Tuber acquired one & it looked so good.

    1. I hadn't thought about that meat slicer in years until last night! I remember the blade being really sharp and being warned not to touch it. Of course I did!! Sorry mum! :-) xxx

  2. You made excellent use of the beef, so the cost in the end per meal is not too bad. I used to have one of those hand turned slicers years ago it was brilliant for meat, cheese and bread. When we had the pigs we got ourselves an electric one, I was always nervous of using it, but it did give us nice thin slices of so many products.

    1. It's more than I like to spend on a meal but if it's a treat then I suppose it's ok. I think I'd be nervous of using an electric slicer!! :-) xxx

  3. Did you have some heel of the beef left for stovies?I think you did well to get those generous portions-better than more portions with thinner slices. Catriona

    1. I managed to slice every last bit of the joint into a 'slice' so no bits left for stovies this time! :-) xxx

  4. I think if I used one of those electric slicers we might well be added fingers to our diet!

  5. We have one of those meat slicers and use it to cut large lunch meat rolls that are to be used for sandwiches. Harvey has gotten pretty good at cutting up our roasts into slices.

    God bless.

  6. I like chunky slices much better. And, for treat meat, that's really not so bad, I think. xx

  7. I have one of those meat slicers still. When the kids were little we used to make "hot roast beef sandwiches" and we all loved it. I used it last week actually and still love it, although it's a bugger to clean and get all the bits out of the crevices!

    1. That's probably why the meat slicer was put away in the cupboard and rarely used. It had to be taken apart and cleaned meticulously. My dad was the type who dirtied every gadget in the kitchen and left my mum to do all the washing up by hand! So I'm guessing it was quietly retired to the back of the cupboard!! :-) xxx

  8. You did well with the beef, portioning it up and wrapping for the freezer is quite a task in itself. All joints seem to have leapt up in price don't they?
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Meat has become a real luxury for me and joints are really beyond my budget unless I have vouchers. I only bought one in the first place for my son as it was his birthday recently and I promised him a proper roast beef dinner. I will savour every last piece of it :-) xxx


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