Thursday 27 June 2024

Just loafing around


I had some bananas that needed to be used up so I made a banana loaf.  I just used the Mary Berry recipe as it's a chuck everything in the mixer for 2 mins.  Recipe HERE  although I actually used 3 bananas! 🍌🍌🍌

I also had some chicken mince in the fridge that needed to be cooked or frozen raw as it was on it's date so I made a meatloaf.  Chicken mince was the cheapest mince per kg in Tesco last week.  I keep an eye on the prices per kg of all the meat minces and they do change week to week.  I just mixed it all up with some oats, mixed herbs, garlic powder, Worcester sauce, some cooked bacon chopped into wee bits and an egg.  I only have one 2lb loaf pan and it was full of banana goodness.  So I made it in a flat casserole dish and threw some bacon top as it was also nearly out of  date.  I cooked both loaves in the oven at the same time!  I had meatloaf with a stuffed baked potato made from the reduced bag of spuds my DIL got me the other day.  Wee bit of salad and it was a lovely meal.

I sliced up both loaves when they were cool and froze them flat in the freezer ready to pull out for a quick meal or snack 😋

I'm noticing my oven runs a wee bit hot so the banana loaf is a bit browner than normal despite being covered in foil!  Still delicious! 


  1. Love banana loaf! Don’t mind it slightly well fired. Catriona

  2. It all looks very tasty, what a good idea to use oats in the meatloaf, I usually use breadcrumbs but oats is easier.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I didn't have any bread so used the oats. In the past I've also used crushed up cornflakes and rice crispies. It just needs something to soak up any excess moisture :-) xxx

  3. Your loaves look very nice, even if slightly browner than you would like. I quite often use oatmeal in meatloaf or burgers.

    God bless.

    1. At least something like a banana loaf is quite forgiving but good to know the oven is a bit hotter than temp if baking a sponge cake or something more delicate :-) xxx

  4. Banana loaf is always a treat, especially when it is a quick and easy bake. Xx

    1. Love the Mary Berry recipe as it's so easy :-) xxx


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