Monday 24 June 2024

A word on potatoes


We keep getting told there's going to be a shortage of fresh British vegetables this year especially field grown veg because of the really wet weather.  Some farmers haven't even bothered to plant anything at all.  I'm a bit concerned as I didn't get any veg or potatoes planted at the allotment this year so I know I'm definitely going to be lacking in spuds.  So I'm exploring other sources.  I've tried tinned potatoes in the past and they're ok but they use calcium chloride to keep them firm.  I do have a couple of tins in my storecupboard just for emergencies.  They're fine in soups and casseroles.

I've been trying the instant mashed potatoes as another storecupboard standby.  This Tesco one doesn't have any nasty additives although it does have palm oil.  I 'think' most palm oil is responsibly sourced now but I need to look into it a bit more.  I made a 'deconstructed' cottage/shepherd's pie with some turkey mince I had in the freezer.  It was actually very nice although I did add extra butter and salt to the instant mash.

I had some leftover instant mash so made some tattie scones.  There are only 2 left so that tells you they were quite good!  These 2 will go in the freezer.  You can't beat fresh potatoes but it's good to have a back up just in case.

My DIL scooped up some reduced baking potatoes for me last night, 87p for 7 potatoes.  I'll bake these, cut them in half and stuff them with cheese and butter.  They freeze well so I'm stocked up on potato ideas for a wee while 😋

I got a Tesco delivery yesterday.  I'm starting to build up my stock again on a few storecupboard and bathroom essentials.  There's no alcohol or high value items in there but those 2 bags cost £98.  I don't drink bottled water as I'm lucky enough to have excellent soft drinking water but I like to keep some for emergencies.  Twice in the last few years I've had no water due to burst water mains and was caught out!  See HERE!

I can't believe we're almost at the end of June. I've given myself some grace on my finances as moving house always throws up unexpected costs.  But starting 1st July the serious business of living on just my pension begins.  I have very little savings left so it's a bit scary.  This was always the plan.  I've talked about it for so long now it's time to actually do it!!! 


  1. We've used both Tesco and Sainsbury's instant mash, both have been OK with extra seasoning. Sainsbury's doubled the price last year, previously one got four sachets in the packet, suddenly it was two of the same size for the same price!

    1. I suspect potato products are going to shoot up in price after a poor harvest. I do hope they don't double!! :-) xxx

  2. I'm new to your blog and enjoying it very much.
    Your DIL certainly knows how to pick a bargain ( I saw the curry bargain she found recently for you )

    1. Hi and welcome! She's definitely got the knack for finding them now :-)

  3. Best instant mash is the Idahoan brand - beats all others into a cocked hat; full price is more expensive than supermarket brands, but for the superior taste is worth it. It's usually on offer at one or more of the supermarkets, or by the dozen on Amazon. They do various flavoured ones (eg cheese, onion, bacon) but I'm not keen on them as the plain is more versatile. It's fine without added butter etc although the additions do make it nicer. I've also made an ok potato salad with it, freezing it in a tray, then cutting into cubes. I always have it in the stores and stock up when it's on offer. Best buy was a few years back when I got 13 packs at 9p each; properly stored, keeps for a couple of years.

    1. I've tried them but the only place I've found them recently was in Lidl and they sell out fast! I'll keep an eye out for them. Good to know they keep for ages :-) xxx

    2. We've had these as well from Tesco, liked the cheese one, but they were much more expensive than Tesco own brand.

  4. I second Idahoan instant mash. Pollie

    1. Good to know, def will look out for them :-) xxx

  5. Yes Idahoan packet mash is the best ever and sell on Amazon 12 for £12 ;a great price as some supermarkets charge £2 a packet.

    1. I'll go have a look! I think when I got them in Lidl ages ago they were less than £1 :-) xxx

    2. The £2 packet of Idahoan mash is 183g, the regular size of 109g is £1.50 (Morrisons)

  6. I'm a bit odd as I can't stand mashed potatoes and can easily go without potatoes altogether!

    1. I love potatoes as they're so versatile and def couldn't go without them!! :-) xxx

  7. I confess we rarely have potatoes now. For mash we have cauli mash with or without white beans included. Or we have polenta.

    1. I do like cauli mash too. Yum! :-) xxx

  8. I hadn't heard about a shortage of veg. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a reasonable potato harvest. As it's my first time growing them, I'm not sure what to expect. Xx

    1. I think it's a shortage of British veg as the fields were too wet to plant. Some farmers didn't bother and some planted late but they said there might not be enough growing time. Imported veg might not be affected but the prices will go up. I'm really annoyed I haven't been able to get my spuds in on time :-) xxx

  9. Couscous or quinoa are a good alternative and have the added benefit of only taking minutes to prepare.

    1. Yep definitely exploring alternatives that will keep in the storecupboard :-) xxx

  10. I am always so glad that Harvey plants many a potato in the garden. Some years the harvest is much better than others, but at least we have potatoes for about 5 or 6 months after harvesting. I have started to use other carbs for our meals to save on potato usage.

    God bless.

    1. Even if I don't plant much else I've always planted potatoes somewhere. Except this year, when they're going to be in short supply and/or expensive!! :-) xxx

  11. It doesn't surprise me that there will be a shortage and that means prices will shoot up too, doesn't it.
    Thanks for the heads up. xx

    1. It's being talked about in some of my frugal groups and YouTube channels so can't claim credit for the origin :-) xxx

  12. I've been meaning to pick up a couple of cans of potatoes for a while but I keep forgetting. They will be handy for emergencies. I use them mostly in curries as they don't turn to mush. I should perhaps try some instant mash too, it's years since I cooked with that, and using them to make tattie scones or maybe to add to fishcakes is a great idea.

    1. Yep tattie scones and fishcakes are a great way to stretch them. Imagine if potatoes become a luxury item item due to the cost!!! :-) xxx

  13. Agree that it's a great idea to think ahead and plan for possible shortages. The Idahoan mash as mentioned above is lovely.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I've had the Idahoan mash before. The supermarket own label is obviously cheaper but I'll keep an eye out for a good price on it :-) xxx

  14. We use tinned potatoes in the motorhome and have recently discovered Idaho instant mash-it’s really lovely. Catriona

    1. They're good standbys to have just in case :-) xxx

  15. I worked in a school kitchen for a few years and learned that adding some powdered chicken boullion helps to flavor-up powdered or flaked potatoes. That would be in addition to the butter, cream or milk, and salt & pepper. It's very good!

    1. Ooo that's a good tip! I'll def try that, thanks! :-) xxx


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