Sunday, 13 November 2022

A normal weekend at last!


For the first time in ages I've had a lovely normal pottering relaxed kind of weekend! 😁  I've done as much as I can with the flat, it's over to the estate agent now.  So I spent my weekend pottering about and doing some batch cooking.  My favourite way to relax and get organised for the week ahead.  I took my home grown tomatoes out of the freezer and made tomato sauce.  I used some rosemary and thyme from my back garden too.  It was lovely!

I used some of the sauce to make a veggie lasagne.  My DIL and I had a portion each and I put 4 more in the freezer.  I also froze the rest of the tomato sauce.

I made a huge Crockpot full of beef stew.  My son and I had a generous portion each and the rest will go in the freezer too.

I sliced up some lemons for the freezer.  I always snap up the unwaxed ones when they're reduced or on offer.   Good for making a hot honey and lemon drink when you feel poorly.  And for a G&T!! 🍸

I strained the fire cider mixture I started HERE and mixed in half a jar of raw honey to each jar of liquid.  It really packs a punch!! 

My DIL made banana bread to use up some over ripe bananas.  She used GF flour so I could have some and it was delicious! πŸ˜‹

And my car key fobs needed new batteries.  So I searched good old YouTube for instructions and did it myself πŸ’ͺ

A very satisfying productive 'normal' weekend!  😊 Shame I've got to go to work tomorrow! πŸ˜‚


  1. What a lovely way to spend the weekend, family and cooking up a storm.

    God bless.

    1. It really was lovely! DIL cooks on Saturday nights and I do Sunday dinner. And lots of lovely leftovers for the week ahead :-)

  2. What a satisfying weekend.It’s Inset Day tomorrow here tomorrow so hope the weather stays dry for all the neighbour little ones to bet out to play. Catriona

    1. My weather forecast for the week is rain!! It's been a very wet November so far here

  3. Such a lovely weekend and the results look so, so good. xx

    1. it was lovely. I didn't prep anything the week before and I was struggling to eat healthily and sensibly as a result! xxx

  4. that's the kind of weekend i like x

    1. It just makes me feel organised for the week ahead xxx

  5. I'm late commenting on this but wanted to say thank you for the frozen lemon slices tip
    Alison in Wales x

    1. You're welcome!! I've been doing it for years. I think it was a tip in Prima magazine years and years ago :-)

  6. Very productive! That's a great tip re slicing lemons- I saw some unwaxed ones reduced in the COOP earlier. Now I wished I'd bought them! Batch cooking is such a good idea! Sometimes, we are so shattered after school we just can barely make ourselves get up and make something!x

    1. Totally agree! By the end of the week I just can't think about food/meals. I'm always glad I can just pull stuff straight out of the freezer

  7. How thick are the sliced lemons? We have a couple of lemon trees and this is a great idea!

    1. About half a centimetre to 1 centimetre thick. They freeze really well if you lie them flat first then shake up the bag when they're frozen so they don't stick together


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