Tuesday 10 October 2023

I'm doing it all wrong!!

Thanks for all the good vibes for Luna at the vet this morning.  She's finally fully vaccinated and can go out without any restrictions now.  WOOHOO!!!  And she's a healthy chunky 10.1kg!  We're still dealing with the giardia (currently doing the 3 day poop collection for both dogs to re test 🙄) and she had a repeat blood test to test her liver function again.  Of course Luna being Luna had the bandage off within minutes of being home and was spurting blood everywhere!!  She's now totally zonked out on her favourite napping spot and the green bandage is firmly back on her leg!!  

I collected another round of drugs for Emma while I was there and paid another £150 for those.  I've still to pay for today's blood test and the poop tests later in the week.


It occurred to me last night that despite knowing how a no spend month works 😳 I've been doing it all wrong.  The decision was a knee jerk reaction to having a heavy spending spree these last 2 months.  But what I've failed to take into account (as evidenced by things running low or out!!) that I haven't been stockpiling/prepping the things I use all the time.  A quick look in my cupboards shows a lack of the cooking basics I normally use and I'm pretty sure I'm going to run out of toilet paper and toothpaste before the end of the month!

So I'm not feeling as despondent as I was yesterday.  I've just been rather disorganised in some areas despite having such a full freezer!  I'm giving myself some grace as I've actually got a lot of 'life stuff' going on.  I took another look at the coffee I bought and was really pleased to see the Rainforest Alliance symbol on the label. Check it out HERE.  My usual Sainsbury's version doesn't have it! It's 51p cheaper than this Tesco equivalent but from now on I'm switching.  

I'll try to have a very low spend October rather than a no spend month I think.  I'm not including dog expenses (except their food) as I have a separate budget for that.  So far I've spent £3 on coffee.  Let's see how far I get for the remaining 21 days of October!! 


  1. So pleased things are on the up with the dogs x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks, it's all going in the right direction! :-) xxx

  2. Good news about Luna being able to get out and about.
    Running out of toothpaste is not quite as drastic as running out of loo roll although I suppose you could try squares of newspaper!

    1. Thanks! Loo roll isn't too drastic as there are alternatives!! Lol! :-) xxx

  3. Hope the dogs are on the mend now and hopefully they stop costing you so much money soon. I envious you've retired. I'm looking forward to it, even though I'll be on a strict budget. It's doable. I'm not a big spender.

    1. Fingers crossed we're almost at the end now! Hope you can retire soon :-) xxx

    2. I think I've a few more years yet. Definitely can't wait until state pension age of 67 so I'll have to survive until then. I'm sure I can. Time and quality of life are more precious xx (Ruth)

  4. That last comment was from me - Ruth. Sorry I don't know how to change from Anonymous. I must look into that.

    1. I can use Blogger but don't actually know how some of it works!!

  5. Glad to hear the pup had her last jag, fingers crossed for the tests to come back negative although- my son had salmonella when he was 5 and we were told he might never present a 'clear' stool test as the bug can test positive for a long time after the illness symptoms have gone - could this be the case with this bug if your animals are no longer ill? Just a thought. Hopefully the tests will be clear and you can start to properly enjoy your puppy. x

    1. Thanks! I think the vets want Luna clear as she's so young and still developing. It's not as serious for Emma as she can 'live with it' but she can pass it back to Luna. Fingers crossed for negative tests soon :-) xxx

  6. You had more important things to deal with than foodstuff ! You did a fantastic job getting the dogs healthy. The dogs are grateful in their own way.

    1. Thanks! They're both 'clinically well' so fingers crossed we're through the worst now :-) xxx

  7. Glad Luna was able to have her final vaccination, now you can take out and tire her out. Don't feel bad about a no spend month, you have had more import things to think about. Fingers crossed for the liver test and getting rid of the giardia.

    1. She's already good on a short lead so I can't wait to let her run about the park on a long lead soon :-) xxx

  8. I am glad you are giving yourself grace. Nice to hear Luna is doing better. I always try for a low spend month every little while, no spend is impossible here. I have to drive forty miles one way for my mail and groceries.

    1. I'm guessing you need to be really organised every time you make a trip to make it worthwhile! No spend requires a lot of pre planning and stocking up gradually in the previous months. It's a good lesson for me :-) xxx

  9. See? you unblipped the blip :) Onwards and sideways lol x

    1. Lol!! A lot of sideways at the moment!! :-) xxx

  10. I have never understood the logic of no spend months what is saved one month has to be spent the nex., I have had only buy necessities years when I was saving to visit my parents, It means no eating out, no shopping except clothes shopping for the kids when they grew out of their clothes, cheap days out, keeping the grocery bills as low as possible etc. It has become a habit.

    1. I'm beginning to think no spend months are just subsidised by other months! Or maybe I'm doing wrong!! Sounds like you've built up great habits :-) xxx

    2. No spend months are to stop compulsive shoppers

    3. I think you're right, it's not meant to be a frugal tactic! It seems to have been adopted by a lot of frugal vloggers and I've been sucked in!! :-) xxx

  11. So glad to hear Luna has finally turned a corner and is all jabbed up. I may have to try that coffee as our usual one has become an extortionate price. Lynda x

    1. Thanks! I'm a real coffee lover and have in the past paid a lot of money per jar for a luxury brand coffee. Now I'll drink just about anything although I really can't stand Starbucks at all!! Lidl used to stock a really good Fairtrade instant coffee. Maybe it didn't sell enough round here but I can't get it any more. Shame as it was really good :-) xxx


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