Sunday 22 October 2023

Sort of good news?


Nope, I'm not tired and I'm not going to bed! πŸΎπŸ˜‚

I sort of got good/mixed news from the vet yesterday with her test results.  Luna's liver enzymes levels are back to being within the normal rage.  HOORAY!!!!  That means she doesn't need to take the supplements any more.  One less expense!

Even though she tested positive for the giardia, she hasn't actually had any of the symptoms (vomiting and diarrhoea) since the first week she came here.  The vet thinks she's just got a persistent 'presence' of the parasite that shows up on the test now.  Her advice is to do one more course of the treatment then simply stop testing.  15% of all dogs in the UK would have a positive test without any symptoms and their owners not knowing they had it.  

So I'll not actually know if she still has it after this course of treatment.  I think I'm ok with that.  The vet recommends continuing with the hygiene routine as that has stopped Emma getting it.  And we're putting her on a course of probiotics to boost her gut flora.  After that I'll just make sure to add gut friendly foods in her diet.  But it means she's now allowed to mix freely with other dogs and go to the park etc  That's definitely good news! 😁


  1. About time too, Ali, you must be so relieved!

  2. Excellent news all round. THank goodness. xx

  3. So pleased for you. She’s such a sweetie!

    1. Thanks, she's very cute and knows it! :-)

  4. Excellent news x
    Alison in Wales x

  5. Excellent news! At last she can be socialised - is there a training class for puppies/young dogs locally which helps with basic training and really getting to learn how to mix with other dogs? I'm sure she will love all the new experiences now available to her.
    Love the photo; it's good to see how she is growing & changing.

    1. Yes, there's an excellent doggie day care centre here that has training and socialising sessions for puppies. I'll be enrolling her this week so hopefully we can start soon :-)

  6. Good news at last. That is a cute photo.

    1. Immediately after I took it she barked for 20 mins and scratched me!! She does not like going to bed when I tell her! :-)

    2. Oh dear!! Little monkey, have to learn who the alpha is. Do she sleep in a crate?

    3. Yes I've been using a crate but she's quickly out growing it. I need to find another solution soon :-)

  7. Lovely photo of Luna, you must be so relieved to finally get some good news . Lynda x

    1. It's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders :-)

  8. Excellent news. Hopefully she will love puppy classes. She is very cute! x

    1. I'm sure she'll love puppy classes but whether they love her is another matter!! :-)

  9. And breathe...time to start enjoying your puppy! x

    1. Thanks, I feel all the focus has been on keeping her alive then getting her healthy again. I hope the fun bit has begun now :-)

  10. Thank goodness there is good news about Luna and she can finally start to socialise with other dogs. Catriona

    1. It's her socialisation I'm concerned about now so it's great news we can mix with other dogs at last! :-)

  11. Now that is good news about Luna and her treatment.

    God bless.

    1. It feels like we're making progress at last! :-)


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