Thursday 29 August 2024

Filling up the freezers

I made my final car payment this week!  My wee 4yo car is now all mine πŸš— So that frees up a nice wee amount each month which I will be adding to my savings from next month.  But to celebrate I bought another freezer!!  Same silver colour as my fridge freezer and it fits nicely into the corner on the other side of the table.  It's not plugged in yet in this photo, it's just been dumped for the gases to settle!   I chose this Indesit one as it's able to keep food frozen for 12 hours if the power goes out.  

I popped into Lidl on Monday and got lucky again.  I knew I'd be able to use up everything and put it in my new freezer 😊  From the above,  I chopped and froze the melon (it was perfect!!) and peaches (had to skin them first.)  I made a sort of tomato relish by chopping up the really ripe tomatoes and cooking them with some sugar and vinegar.  Delicious!!  I've used some of the peppers in a sweet and sour sauce today.  I squeezed the oranges and froze the juice in ice cubes.  And Luna has been eating the cucumber with me as a snack! πŸ₯’

Then last night my DIL gifted me some of her 10p fruit bargains from her Sainsbury's Local.  The plums and apricots have been poached and put in the freezer.  The kale was just sorted into a freezer bag and half of  the pineapple was used in the sweet and sour sauce.  Guess where the other half is??  Yep, the freezer!! πŸ˜‚

I made a short video of the sweet and sour sauce as I just can't edit in a lot of clips and photos to a longer video within a reasonable time.  I've got other stuff to do!  It took 3 hours to upload a 15 min chat for editing.  So I think creating shorts of me cooking works better then I can just do a one take chat to camera for the other stuff with a wee bit of editing.  Thanks to Mean Queen for that idea!  What do you think?  Opinions welcome!


  1. Looks delicious! Great haul of healthy food between you and your DIL. Catriona

    1. We seem to be on a roll atm! But my Lidl luck has run out as there were no boxes this morning although I wasn't going to take one. I just wanted to see if there were any. I suspect they do a different time each day :-) xxx

  2. Hi Ali, that is a good idea. I usually don't like shorts because I watch videos on my laptop and sometimes the shorts show interference and I can't see it properly, but watching from the blog seems to work well. I'll still go to YouTube and give it a like!! 😊

    1. Thanks! I never used to be a fan of shorts but they've grown on me recently. They are easier for me to make using my so slow software than the longer clips :-) xxx

  3. I think the shorts are useful particularly for recipes. I watched this one and have a couple of (hopefully useful) suggestions. A photo of the finished dish and the recipe up first, with a reminder of the recipe again at the end - or in the comment bit on YouTube. The recipe at the end went off the screen before I finished reading it. I then had to fiddle about to get it back on screen. I looked to see if it was in the video comment but it wasn't.
    A lot of us know how to add cornflour and cook it in, but if you don't you could end up with a not so nice sauce if you just mixed it in. A difficult one as I'm not sure how far you want to go with instructing people what to do?
    Anyway, you're doing great - I would never have the patience. Keep going😁😁😁

    1. Brilliant ideas! Thank you so much. I was just playing around with the footage I got but will put the finished dish and recipe at the start and in the comments too next time. I don't have the patience to be hanging around my laptop all day uploading and editing but I think I'm finally working out the balance :-) xxx

  4. Oh the last payment on any major debt is a wonderful release isn't it. Well done.

    Just an idea ... nothing to do with YouTube ... if there's room would it be possible to turn your fridge/freezer round so that it backs onto the white wall and then put your new one next to it where the little black steps are now. Obviously it's hard to get a perspective on the width of the white wall, but if they would fitted side by side you would possibly have more space for your table and chairs.

    1. My immediate thought was they def wouldn't fit. But then I got the tape measure out thinking 'what if they do' and was quite excited. Sadly, they don't plus there's just a single socket. Looking at the photo the perspective is def out and the radiator position behind the table is a bit annoying. But I've got shelves and wallpaper and more plans for this end of the kitchen ;-) xxx

  5. You are going to really enjoy the new freezer, and being able to stock up and not waste anything is going to save you loads.

    God bless.

    1. Yep, it's already half full with some more stuff in the fridge waiting to be processed! :-) xxx

  6. The sweet and sour looks yum!
    Laura in France

    1. It's yummy! I'm sharing some with my DIL :-) xxx

  7. Congratulations on paying off the car - I bet it feels great! xx


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