Monday 2 September 2024

Me and an energy company (again!)


According to Octopus between 10th July and 5th August I used £2110.03 worth of electricity.  WTAF?? On a prepayment top up meter.  On the 6th August I got a Smart meter installed.  Surely there has been a glitch in the matrix when the switchover happened.  You can see on either side of that graph my normal usage.

Octopus are 'looking into it' and will get back to me.  Meanwhile while my brand new account says I'm in debt over £2000.

Me and energy companies just don't seem to have smooth transitions! 🙄


  1. What a pain for you , I hope it gets sorted soon x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I hope so as I can't be bothered going through the same hassle I had with Scottish Power! :-) xxx

  2. Oh good grief. So crazy. Hope you get it sorted.
    Yet another reason to put me off a smart meter. Scottish Power keep trying. I keep putting them off.

    1. Sadly if I wanted to get rid of the prepayment meters I had to get a Smart meter. Keep putting it off Sue!! :-) xxx

  3. Hopefully it will all be sorted out for you. The same thing happened to me when I lived in the flat after we moved from Wales, it turned out to be a fault on their part and I got a refund of all the money I overpaid.

    1. It's definitely their fault and common sense would suggest impossible. But as we know common sense isn't that common. Fortunately they haven't taken any money but they're saying I'm huge debt!! Just when I thought it was all working out! :-) xxx

  4. Thus is shocking! You are sensible and realise this must be wrong but imagine if you were someone who didn’t have the ability to deal with this problem and just were completely panicked by it. Guess the house had a prepayment meter because it was a rental? Keep calm and carry on trying to get a satisfactory answer and solution to the problem. Catriona

    1. The house wasn't a rental but looking at their mail (which they haven't redirected) I can tell they've left a trail of debt! I've read that Octopus have a good rating for sorting out issues so hopefully they're a lot quicker and easier to deal with than the numpties that are Scottish Power!! :-) xxx

  5. We've found Octopus very helpful - when we had solar fitted we had the wrong smart meter for it - they dithered over changing it but were very apologetic and gave us compensation, without us asking for it. Hopefully they will be responsive to you too 🤞

    1. My Smart meters aren't connected yet so there are a few issues needing sorted out. Fingers crossed they do it soon :-) xxx

  6. OMG! Not again! Hope it gets sorted quickly Ali.

    1. I know!! I do hope common sense prevails and it will be an easy fix :-) xxx

  7. I have been an Octopus customer for a year and date them very highly - I think they will get this sorted for you , but do keep emailing them to remind them

    1. Will do! They've not responded yet :-) xxx

  8. Ouch, they better fix that quickly.

    God bless.

  9. Oh, for goodness sakes - that's ridiculous! xx

    1. All sorted out now and quickly too! Hooray!! :-) xxx


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