Sunday, 20 October 2019

My first solo holiday

I'm not a good flier.  Never have been.  But usually I have someone to hold my hand on take off.  Not this time! So some pink champagne was required pre flight.  Cost me £16 for a glass!!!!! 😮

But I made it!  This was sunrise on my first morning.  Quiet and peaceful.

 My room was lovely! 

The hotel was huge!!!!

This is a selfie I posted on FB on my 3rd morning.  I'd spent a couple of days by the pool just people watching.  There were folks of all shapes and sizes.  All confident in their own bodies.  I took this on impulse (actually I took about 30 shots and they were all similar, so it wasn't a fluke!)  I realised that I'm in ok shape for a woman of my age and experience.  I'm too hard on myself.  I have grey hair.  I have wobbly bits.  I'm 53 and had 3 kids.  My body reflects this and I'm happy with that.

Every night before dinner I took a selfie then I went to the dining room with a book.  The first night I ate dinner in 20 mins.  By the final night I took over an hour.

Yes, going on holiday by myself was challenging.  But I spent a lot of time simply reflecting on life and making plans for the future.  It made me realise I can do anything, be anything I want. And that was empowering 😎


  1. You certainly are in good shape IMHO! I quite often have travelled alone but usually manage to find a compatible "buddy" to eat meals with. You just have to take the plunge. Hope you went somewhere warm and sunny!

    1. Aww thanks! It was very warm and sunny :-)

  2. Sounds like you had a nice relaxing time. Good that you took time to reflect and plan. You look great!!

  3. You look wonderful, a strong, happy, confident woman (and with a fantastic figure). You're far more courageous than I and I applaud you for it. Lovely room. Glad you enjoyed it and were able to make plans.

  4. Sounds a great holiday in more ways then one.

  5. Going on my first solo holiday next summer. Excited and nervous but really looking forward to it.

  6. Well done. A friend of mine, who sadly died last year, used to go on holiday every year with her daughter and two kids and every year she came home and moaned about it and we often said to her, why don't you just go alone and she wouldn't even contemplate it, she thought it would be worse than going with the family! I used to think she was mad and that if she needed/wanted a holiday why not try alone or in a 'singles' group holiday. I know you have to walk in someones shoes to know how their life feels but I think what you did was very brave and very right and I wish my friend had been brave enough to try!

    1. I never thought I'd have to go on holiday by myself but I really really needed a warm break. There are loads of options for solo travellers especially women. I chose to do it all myself because I wanted a certain type of hotel (4 star and adults only)and one direct flight from Edinburgh.

      I'll be doing it again! :-)

  7. Good on you for being brave enough to go it alone. I often wonder if I would be able to go on a holiday alone if I was single, but I think I would have to just do it to prove to myself that I could. As I get older I do a lot of thinking about my future and if and when I might be on my own. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You're welcome. I'll be honest, I did think about not going in the weeks before. But I really really needed a break away from everything. And I'm so glad I went :-)

  8. My husband left me in 2010 (wanted to come back 3 weeks later but that's another story). Anyway, I still wanted to travel so I went on my first ever solos holiday to Turkey and LOVED it. Since then I've been all over, 12 trips in total. Cuba, Peru, Sri Lanka (made it back one week before the bombings), Costa Rica. Some are solos trips and some are just exploring trips but there is always someone to chat to. The only time I want totally alone was to Marrakesh and I didn't enjoy it because I was on my own (although I loved Marrakesh). I tell ya, you couldn't pay me to go on holiday with a partner now! Funnily enough, when we were in Cuba we all used to meet up at the bar before going to dinner and a guy I was sitting with said "Look at that couple over there. They've been sat there for an hour not talking to each other, and listen to us lot"! I'm glad you had a great time (and you have a great figure too).

    1. That is so true! I sat at dinner watching couples not talking to each at all.

      I'm definitely going to do more holidays on my own. I'm going to Australia for Christmas and New Year. I'll be flying solo but then spending the holiday with my son.

      And thanks for the compliment *blushes*

  9. You look amazing so please don't put yourself down. That holidays sounds lovely and it made me think of a friend who would probably enjoy doing something similar

  10. Aww, thank you.

    Tell your friend to go for it!! :-)

  11. Wow you are brave! I am thinking of going on hol next year but not plucked up the courage to book anything yet as i'm on my own. It's a few years since i went away anywhere (down to rainy Manchester!), and I am getting very itchy feet...

    1. Do it!! You'll be scared stiff at first but then it gets easier :-)


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