Thursday, 23 March 2023

Birthday presents


Isn't it funny how your presents change as you get older and wiser?  I always say don't get me anything as I genuinely don't need anything.  But I think because I'm not well and off work, my work besties came to visit me and brought flowers, Prosecco and this beautiful picture.  It's my allotment!! You can see Old Stirling Bridge and the Wallace Monument plus the rugby club.  It's just fabulous!  My friend J loves to draw and paint.  She made this for me because she knows how much I love my allotment! πŸ’•

My Lovely Mum gave me potting compost and money to buy top soil and compost in bulk for the garden and the plot.  She also got me a subscription to Kitchen Garden magazine HERE.  You can get it digitally but the actual magazine comes with seeds and gifts every month.  It's one of my favourites and a real treat 😊

I absolutely love my presents, they all have a garden theme!  I'm a very lucky girl! πŸ’•


  1. What lovely presents - just right for you

  2. What a fabulous picture. Useful presents are brilliant, especially as we get older.

    1. If you'd said to me 10 years ago I'd be over the moon with a gift of compost, I'd probably have laughed! :-)

  3. What thoughtful presents which will bring you joy. Catriona

  4. Presents selected with love and thought are the best! The painting is lovely.

  5. How nice - Happy Birthday xxx

  6. Well chosen gifts - you are so lucky to have such thoughtful family members. Hope your birthday was a lovely day.

    1. Thanks it was a lovely low key day and my son bought takeaway for tea :-)

  7. What absolutely perfect presents for you. :-)

    You have a happy gardening year ahead of you, and frugal food to grow and store for a long time to come. I used to love getting Kitchen Garden magazine with all it's free seeds every month.

    1. I'm really looking forward to my garden and plot this year! I haven't read KG recently but I remember it had good articles in it as well as the 'free' seeds! :-)

  8. Such lovely thoughtful presents. You will enjoy them all long after your birthday too - win, win! I'll give you a laugh, today I picked up a parcel from Next with some summer clothing in it. It's for me for my birthday in June to take to Australia when we visit our son next year!! I was looking at their website and was putting things in my basket as I do, then usually delete them, however all the items I chose were particularly suitable for the hot Australian weather and I said to hubby you could buy these for me now to save you and the children asking me two days before my birthday what I want for my birthday. You can put them away till June and by then I'll have forgotten about them and you can surprise me!! He did, I got them, tried them on to check they fit and now they are hidden away. Now all I need to do is remember I have them cos nothing is surer he'll forget too!! lol.

    1. Brilliant!!! Put it in your phone/diary/calendar or wherever you keep a note of appts and stuff. And then one of you is likely to remember! LOL!! :-)

  9. Belated birthday wishes for you Ali. What lovely gifts you were given.


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