Thursday 1 June 2023

How rude!


You may or may not have noticed I changed my profile photo recently.  I thought I was having a good hair day and took a selfie in the garden! 😎

I follow a lot of frugal channels and sometimes comment on them.  One YouTuber asked for viewers' tips on how they save money.  I wrote that I grew out my fringe and stopped dyeing/highlighting my hair.  I said I get a good cut into a long bob once or twice a year and take good care of it by not blow drying it and conditioning it regularly.  And that I check regularly for split ends.  Someone left this comment - "Yikes! 😏 Super unhealthy hair"  without even seeing my hair!!!  And they'd edited the comment so it was definitely what they wanted to say with that smirk emoji!  

I also left a comment on another frugal channel where they were talking about how expensive meat has become and how to stretch it.  I wrote about adding grated carrot, onions and lentils to minced beef when cooking a big batch for freezing and someone just replied "I won't eat onions (raw or cooked) or lentils they don't agree with my stomach."  

Some folk should listen to Thumper!!


  1. Social media now allows anyone to say anything, and the numpties who engage their mouth ( or fingers to type) have a field day. I'm with you, I don't need to comment on everything, and I always play nice. If I'm offended I scroll by.

    1. Yep, if I don't agree or it's not relevant to me then I just scroll on!!

  2. what a shame you were only trying to help

    1. I love reading other folks' tips. They can be really useful but I don't feel the need to comment on anything not relevant to me!

  3. Hi Ali, just put it down to their ignorance and having too much time on their hands in their small lives 😉. Like you I stopped dyeing my hair and leave it uncut now I am retired but not sure if I will have it chopped soon, luckily the colour is pale blonde/white but fine and wavy. Love the colour and style of yours, keep rocking it girl!!! Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Thanks!! Who says you can't can't have long hair in your 50s and beyond?!

  4. I find as long as someone can write whatever they want, they have no filter. Your hair looks beautiful.

    1. Thanks! It doesn't always look like this though!!

  5. Some folk seem to live to find fault with things don't they?
    Your hair looks stunning, wish I had beautiful hair : )
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Thanks! It was a good hair day :-) How sad to be that miserable and dour about life that you have you make negative comments on things that have nothing to do with you on YouTube channels.

  6. You look fabulous!Catriona

  7. Your hair looks lovely. The person who replied to your comment is obviously a plonker!

    1. Thanks! I started to write a reply then just thought nah, not worth it!

  8. I think your hair is gorgeous! I’d kill to have hair like yours. Lynn, Pecos, NM

    1. Thank you! I was just taken taken aback at the comment without them actually seeing my hair! :-)

  9. You definitely have lovely hair. Rudeness abounds on social media as they do not have to look a person in the eye. You are right, it isn't worth it to reply.

    God bless.

    1. Aww thanks Jackie! I just don't get why so many keyboard warriors feel the need the comment on things that have got nothing to do with them. Def not worth replying! :-)

  10. As others have already said the internet allows people to write without thinking, or perhaps they think but don't care because they are safe behind their keyboards. Either way you are correct, it's rude.
    Your hair looks fabulous, there are people paying to have that colour and you have it for free! How great is that.

    1. Thanks! The silvery colour is really coming through now. Most folk seem to like it so *raspberry* to the keyboard warriors!!!

  11. I think your hair is gorgeous and you obviously look after it really well. Some big-mouth doesn't know what she/he is talking about (and it very rude too)!

    1. Thanks! It was the smirk emoji that really annoyed me the most!! xxx

  12. i'm a hairdresser and your hair looks great x

    1. Aww, thanks! That's made my day :-) xxx

  13. I think your hair is gorgeous. I do the same with my curly hair - cut it once a year, don't blow dry, and use leave in conditioner regularly - but I'm not gray enough to let it go yet - your color is just lovely!

  14. Very fashionable hair, think Helen Mirren, and it looks healthy. Last month I went for my first visit to the hairdresser since 2019, having cut my long white hair myself several times. I wear it in a plait so it was straight enough. £14 for a trim! And he cut off too much so it has to be in a pony tail until it grows a bit! Hmph!

    I bought Ultra Processed People, and watched some of his interviews. A touching moment when two Dads shared that they would not be able to get their children and teenagers off UPF, “They don’t listen to me.”

  15. Lovely hair, and very fashionable.
    Just jealousy from the bald troller.


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