Thursday 31 August 2023

End of the month August

 Stay still, I need a photo to show you're not sad and feeling much better!!

Stealing shoes and slippers!! 

Oi, where's my sun gone?? It was here a minute ago!

Yep, someone's feeling a lot better!  But now Emma has had a bout of nasty diarrhoea 😬 A quick trip to the vet suggests she's probably got giardia too (no idea how as we're being scrupulous with hygiene!!) so we're treating it in the same way.  As she's got a mature immune system it shouldn't be as serious as it was for wee Luna 🤞 But that was another £99 in the vet's bank! 🙄

I'm not even attempting to do an end of the month totals.  It's been a disaster of a month.  I know my credit card total is sitting around the £4000+ mark though.  Means I'll get a decent amount of vouchers next quarter!!


  1. I've had dogs all my life and I've never heard of this infection! Good grief your retirement has started with a bang right enough!! In my experience vets are very guilty of over prescribing. They seem to go straight to the worst case scenario first and work back. I now don't rush to the vet although as you say, until you know what is normal for your dog it can be hard to tell serious from normal. Luna looks very normal now and hopefully Emma will recover soon and you can stop paying for the vets next holiday! x

    1. Yep, had dogs my whole life and never heard of giardia until 3 weeks ago!! Agree vets tend to over prescribe but I'm confident enough to question them now :-) xxx

  2. Luna is lovely, and Emma too! So glad the pup is on the mend and hope Emma is feeling better soon.

    1. Thanks! Emma is already feeling a lot better :-) xxx

  3. Oh, no, poor Emma. Hoping she recovers quickly and I'm glad Luna seems to be well on top of life again. xx

    1. Emma is already bouncing back and Luna continues to thrive :-) xxx

  4. I'm happy Luna seems to be so much better! I know how easily money just slips away with vet bills (one of my cat got epileptic fits and had to stay in vet hospital overnight...)
    My friend had giardia (got it from Thailand or Vietnam, it's been more than 20 years) and I didn't know dogs can get it, too!
    This was a really expensive month for you - I'm sure you're happy that you've prepared yourself even for unpleasant surprises!

    1. Yep, humans get giardia too. A different strain but just as nasty apparently! I'm so glad I had the money saved even though that's not what I planned to use it on!! :-) xxx

  5. So, so glad Luna is home and doing so well. Reading through the comments, Emma is on the mend too now. It is so difficult with vets, it’s impossible to see into the future to know what decision is right. I think sometimes the less experienced vets suggest doing everything, probably as they don’t want to get sued for not doing something! But as you were, I have felt pressured to take a certain course in the past too. As we love our animals so much we want to do all we can for them. It’s always a hard decision! Just glad all is on the mend now (except your bank balance! L x

    1. Everyone is on the mend and feeling better so all's well that ends well I guess. Having less in my savings account will just make me work harder at making my money stretch!!! :-) xxx

  6. Love the positive comment about vouchers from the large credit card balance. See Luna looks happy playing with things she should not have, very puppy like.

    1. Silver lining!! Yep she's being very puppy like again which is a relief! :-) xxx

  7. i'm so glad Luna is feeling better x

    1. I'm so relieved we're past the worst now! :-) xxx


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