Monday 15 January 2024

Toothache and food haul


I broke a tooth back in October and saw my fab NHS dentist at the end of November (that's really fast here!!)  It was so badly broken a filling couldn't save it, so it was decided I needed it crowned.  I went to the first appt in December to start the process but as I was having some sensitivity my dentist said wait another 6 weeks.  

I went back today expecting to start root canal treatment as it hasn't settled.  He told me the nerve is dying (which I knew from past experiences) and the broken tooth is not worth saving.  So I'm losing another tooth!!  😭 It's not agony but I do have a low level constant dull ache.  As I've lost a few teeth in that area due to recurring abscesses, I now need a plate!  😭  A real sign that I'm getting old! 👵But thanks to our NHS dental system, it costs a lot less to get an extraction and plate than it does to get a crown.  Silver lining and all that!

As I was in town any way, I popped into my favourite place!  Today's haul from the community food shop (all free) was potatoes, sausage rolls (already frozen), spicy rice (already frozen with no label), 2 all butter croissants (they were huge), 2 large passionfruit and a large avocado.  All from M&S and Waitrose!

The lady giving out the fridge stuff said that the avocado was "really ripe" so I didn't have high hopes it would be edible.  I was wrong!  It's the most perfect avocado I've had in aaaages.  I mashed half of it up and spread it on one of the croissants with some streaky bacon.  The other half I sliced and froze.

As we're expecting some snowy weather this week with up to minus 15 degrees C in places, it's good to know I have enough food if we're snowed in for any length of time ⛄❄


  1. Dental issues are such a pain, bothin the conventional sense and in other ways too. I'm very glad you haven't had a bad flare up - they are awful.

    And that's a great haul! xx.

    1. If it flares up I've just to phone and they'll whip it out!! I'm gradually building up a decent store of food in the freezer :-) xxx

  2. I am almost at the point where I have more crowns/root canals in my mouth than original teeth.

    God bless.

    1. I've had a few root canal treatments but every time I lost the tooth in the end. So I'm being pre-emptive this time to save on the hassle, pain and money!! :-) xxx

  3. Avocados are a bit of a lottery - you were lucky. I've had to throw out so many that were over ripe. At today's prices (almost $1 each) that is a real pain!

    1. It's a lottery I just stopped playing as I had too many that were wasted. For a while I bought the frozen ones (small pieces designed to go in smoothies) but then my supermarket stopped stocking them. I did find them in my M&S thanks to Joy! :-) xxx

  4. It sounds like you have chosen the best option, whipping the offender out and getting a plate should see you pain-free for a longer time than getting a crown. You got a good selection from the community food shop, building up freezer stores this way is a great idea.

    1. I'll have to wear the plastic plate for 6 months to let the other teeth settle then I can get something with wire clips. Still the most straightforward option and less drama/trauma in the long run. I'm building up the freezer in these hungry gap months before the garden and allotment start producing again :-) xxx

  5. I have so many crowns now but have several gaps at the back where teeth were extracted after root treatment. It definitely worth getting a plate as I find my bite is a bit skewed because of the gaps ( and I’m a teeth grinder) Catriona

  6. Just caught up with this Ali, so sorry to hear about the tooth troubles, I can really empathise as I spent months at the end of last year getting dental work done , and there is no NHS dentistry now in Wales.
    As you say, all an unwelcome reminder that we are getting older!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I am very lucky to have a decent NHS dentist here. They're few and far between it seems and depends totally on where you live. I'm currently doing battle with my new reading glasses, another reminder of my old age!! :-) xxx


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