Saturday 3 February 2024

It caught me out this time!!


Eurgh!!!  I got caught out by the price per kg in Tesco this morning.  I'm so annoyed with myself.  I was in a bit of rush so when I was looking at the joints of beef I just saw the £11 part of the price tag.  It was actually in rather large bold numbers and there was signage suggesting beef was on special offer.  I put one in my basket, rushed round to pick the rest of my items and rushed through the checkout.

When I got home, I got the Crockpot out and put the joint straight in so it would be ready for tonight's meal.  I'd promised my son I'd cook him some beef.  I didn't even look at the packaging before it went straight into the wheelie bin!

It was only when I looked at my receipt I realised I'd paid £21.38!!!!!!!  😭😭😭

It had better be the best tasting beef I've ever had!!!


  1. I always, always checked my receipt before I left the supermarket; I would get a refund even if only a small item. Matter of principle. The only time I didn't request a refund was when we were charged twice for a £24 turkey near Christmas. You know the back story, so you'll understand why I didn't, served him bloody well right. Lol :)

    1. That's why I'm so annoyed with myself. It was an unplanned visit with my DIL and I was helping her work out the restrictive diet she has to follow for the next 2 weeks before she has surgery. I didn't check the receipt at the time and then once I got it home I'd already started cooking it! I was so pleased I hadn't been caught out with the catchweight beef joint last year in my home delivery. Ah well, pride/fall and all that. It smells really good so I'll just enjoy it in smaller quantities and make sure David gets the beef treat I promised him . Lol on the turkey!! :-) xxx

  2. Good heavens Ali, aren’t supermarkets rob dogging bast***s, they really do try and trip us up with convoluted price tags. Take care. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. I think it's very sneaky to make the price per kg in a larger bolder font than the actual price of the joint!! It's an expensive lesson learned by not checking my receipt in the shop and I'll not be be caught out again! In the end it was actually very nice meat and my son loved it. My DIL is vegetarian so they never buy meat joints :-) xxx

  3. Now that way of pricing something I would consider to be very deceptive.
    Glad to read that at least it was good tasting.

    God bless.

    1. A day later and I'm still annoyed!! But yes it was lovely beef :-) xxx

  4. I almost didn't buy something last week because I read the price per kilogram shown in big numbers on the shelf, whereas the actual item was a lot less and the price for that was shown in tiny print. I put it back before my husband pointed out the actual price. Crazy!

    1. Is it a deliberate supermarket ploy to trick shoppers? Cynical me thinks it is!! But it's a lesson in being more aware of pricing tactics and a reminder to check my receipt in the shop!!! :-) xxx

  5. I've done that too - easy to look at the wrong bit of the label. I'm more careful now, that's for sure. xx

    1. I thought I was pretty careful as a rule but I'll be extra vigilant from now on! :-) xxx

  6. Glad the beef was tasty, I've done the same thing more times than I care to remember!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It's so easy to do when you're distracted! :-) xxx


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