Wednesday 24 April 2024

Red lorry, yellow lorry

Another tick off the list today!  The removal company is booked AND paid for as they give a discount for payment in advance.  It came in at just under £1000 for me and just over £600 for my son and DIL.  I thought that was really reasonable as it cost more than that 11 years ago to move me into this house!  Same company is going to move us both so we're getting 2 lorries 🚚🚛

Photo is just a generic removal lorry but it did remind me of the tongue twister "red lorry, yellow lorry."  How many times can you say it quickly before you ending up saying nonsense?? 😛😂


  1. Next time we have to move we will be using my grandson, and paying him of course. He started his own removals company at the start of last year and is doing really well for himself. He travels all over the country so coming quite local shouldn't be a problem for him.

    Good news ... we've sold our Welsh flat, now it's time to start all the paperwork palaver again. I'm pretty good at tongue twisters usually, except when I'm tired, like today. :-)

    1. That is good news!! And well done to your grandson! I got more paperwork in the mail today and part of it was the 'burdens' on my new property. I'm not allowed to keep chickens and can only have 1 dog and 1 cat! I hadn't actually decided if I would have chickens but now I know I can't. Ah well, I can sell my Eglu I guess :-) xxx

    2. What a shame they don't allow chickens and ban cats!

    3. Lots of new(er) build estates put a ton of 'don'ts' on the burdens and keeping animals is one restricted area :-) xxx

  2. That is a very good price for two moves. You did well.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks! I think it's because I'm downsizing to a much smaller house therefore less stuff to move. And I'm only moving 2 miles away :-) xxx

  3. Earworm, earworm. Great that things are moving on with the move. Catriona

    1. I'm getting there! The house is packed as much as is practical at this stage. But I haven't started on the garage yet. That's a big job :-) xxx

  4. Crikey Ali, it doesn’t seem two minutes since you decided to move, you will be in your new home with a coffee in hand (and cake of course) just breathing in the excitement of your plans for it. Jan in Castle Gresley

    1. Just over 4 weeks to go now!! :-) xxx


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