Monday 23 September 2024

What shall I do with my plot?


If you've seen my allotment video from last week, you'll know that my poor plot has been really badly neglected this year.  Obviously moving house at the point where it needed work wasn't great timing.  But I've also not been going because Luna is a nightmare on the plot, eating everything and trying to get out over the gate.  To be fair Emma used to eat everything too but at least she didn't try to escape!!!

I keep asking myself if I should just give it up as it needs a lot of hard physical work or just try to start over and rethink what/how I grow.  I could move over to growing more perennials and more botanicals (like calendula/roses/lavender/herbs) that I could use in making lotions/potions and herbal teas.

Or I could move my stuff on the plot (like the raised beds and plastic compost bins) to my back (and front) garden and turn them into allotment gardens.  They're certainly big enough but I'd still have the Luna issue!!

I have around £150 left on my Dobbies gift voucher that I need to use in the next 6 months so I could get the plants and seeds I'd need but I'd have to commit to either plot or garden.

Any thoughts, wise ones??


  1. I think a gardener needs to garden. Personally, i’d plant more flowers with a few veg thrown in.

    1. At least the wildlife wouldn't eat the flowers as much!! :-) xxx

  2. If you have room at home then that would be easier.

    Surely Luna will get past the crazy toddler/teenager stage sometime?

    1. Emma didn't settle down until she was about 6 or 7!! So I don't have high hopes that Luna will settle any quicker! LOL!!! :-) xxx

  3. We've spent out a lot of money on allotments over the years and have never kept them on for long. Possibly you'd be better to move what you can to your home garden thus making it more convenient. In my experience quite a bit of allotment produce ends up being given away.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. It would be much more convenient and easier to keep on top of it at home. I honestly haven't missed allotment produce this year as I've been lucky with Lidl veg boxes :-) xxx

  4. Could you grow some veg and flowers in your front garden, using your raised beds? This is common in Alpine areas and would resolve the issue of Luna eating stuff.

    About a decade ago I bought two of your lovely tartan dog brooches - I’d vote for spending time on the garden and crafting for sale rather than the allotment.

    1. Yes I have scope for at least 4, maybe 5 of the raised beds from the plot in my front garden. And it's Luna proof!! I definitely want to get back into more crafting to sell :-) xxx

  5. We found that allotment growing wasn’t at all economically viable for a family of two, let alone a single person. Far better to grow a few veg in your own backyard. Allotment gardening is the physical embodiment of the phrase ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Impossible not to neglect it when life gets in the way.

    1. That's true! I think I've spent a lot more that I've actually produced although it has other benefits too. The allotment site is on the opposite side of the city to me so it's a planned car journey each time I go :-) xxx


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