Sunday, 15 December 2013

Time v Money

Thanks to some external school politics and someone's unprofessionalism it looks like I could be in this teaching job for up to a year!  Normally teachers on the supply list get allocated to a school for short term supply by HR with longer term cover (like a maternity leave) going to a full interview process by the Head Teacher.  Luckily for me the HT seems to like what I'm doing and wants me to stay.  Whether I'll be allowed to by HR is another matter.

BUT in the meantime I get paid at my full rate instead of the supply rate which is 2/3 of the full rate.

So I find myself in the position of earning decent money but don't have any time (or energy) to do anything with it.  A few months of teaching will be enough to fit a whole new kitchen or upgrade my ancient car.  Or replace the drafty front window and rotten back door.

I'm finding myself spending more money in the supermarket as I don't have time to cook from scratch (although I did score 4 avocados for 80p yesterday!!)

I now pay someone to walk my dogs every day.

Yesterday my ancient Dyson blew up. Instead of researching the best price for its replacement I got one that was the quickest delivery (John Lewis next day delivery to my Waitrose) By shopping around I could have saved some money but I didn't have the luxury of time.  And with 2 dogs I really need to hoover daily!!

So it was a bit of an aha! moment for me.

Being cash rich/time poor is the opposite of the real me but I need a steady income. The aim of this blog was to save £40k in 4 years.  So I'm giving myself a period of adjustment and will use the Christmas holidays to get myself organised in the ways of frugal living again.  I've ordered a new fridge freezer ( I did the research on that weeks ago so it's a good deal!!) so hope to get it filled over the holidays.

I must admit I'm loving being back teaching.  It's hard work during the day plus I'm bringing home work every night.  I'm sure this will settle down once I get things organised but there's only one week left of term.  And it's a lovely one with Nativity performances, church service and party.

Life throws stuff at you.  It's how you deal with it that's important.  3 years ago I would never have imagined this was how my life would be.  But I wouldn't change a thing :-)


  1. This has always been the issue with me. If I am working full time I have more money, but no time to be the kind of person I like to be, but if I am not, there is not enough money to allow me to buy the 'raw materials'. I have found that recently myself, as I have been very fortunate enough to get some full time temporary work, although mine IS only a few weeks (I was actually offered the job permanently but that does not fit with our plans so was fairly easy decision to make). However, having been experimenting with different types of work and hours over the last few months, I can now say that for me personally, I would seriously consider a maternity cover length role which would provide financial security for a good few months, and allow us greater choice in the future. I think this could be good for you too, especially as you have so much to do with the house to get it to your basic living/working layout and standard; also professionally it will be so good for your future employment prospects. The year will go by quicker than you realise, and you do get some time off at Christmas and Easter to re-focus. Whilst some things will go on the 'back burner' for a while, if you think it is the right thing to do you can work part-time (or not at all) after this contract finishes and return to the 40k in 4 years ideal. Whilst it is the aim of the blog, life will throw different opportunities and challenges at you and we all understand that sometimes you have to go off track slightly. You have already found that out by selling your 'ideal house' but it is the right decision for you and the family overall. Sorry to waffle, but hope this is in some way helpful!

  2. Very helpful, thanks! :-)

    I think my ideal would be to work part time and still be able to have the kind of lifestyle I want. I need to work and teaching is well paid compared to a lot of professions. I need to plan ahead for when my teen leaves home (and OH's teen leaves home) and then think ahead to retirement.

    A longer term contract might just be the boost my finances need just now to give me a strong base to start from.

    1. I understand that this would be a great plan for your life. When we decided last year to completely change out life this is how we thought it may be for us - part time work with plenty of time to travel. However, 18 months on despite having really simplified our lifestyle we need to earn between £15 and £20k per year just to get by. Unfortunately we just cannot earn that kind of money working part-time, which is now why for the next few years our lifestyle will be more of a compromise - the best solution. Accept that this full-time work will compromise some of your preferences (eg convenience food, paid dog walkers) but it is only temporary. I am so glad that the job has been so successful and wish you the very best of luck. I hope you will still keep in touch.


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