I resisted for ages because I just knew I would be obsessed with it but I finally gave in and joined Pinterest. I've already lost a weekend!!! BUT it is a great source of inspiration for many things. For example, I have sourced lots of free worksheet and classroom organisation ideas for work. Most good teachers buy a lot of supplies out of their own pocket. I know I've spent a small fortune just on useable pencils and felt tip pens. And photocopying paper!!!!
So I've made a conscious effort to begin applying my frugal principles in my classroom. One of my favourite ideas gleaned from Pinterest is using paint colour samples as borders for display. I went to Homebase and B&Q last night and collected rather a large amount these lovely colours. All free!!
Here's the result on my Phonics wall :-) I have loads left over so will do a few more borders and use the rest in an art activity.
Our Context for Learning (topic!!) this term is Medieval Castles (as part of a local schools project on the 700th anniversary of The Battle of Bannockburn) Here are our princess crowns and veils made from gold and silver card from The Pound Shop, my trusty jar of buttons (for jewels) and some old voile curtains. The cardboard castle to the right is actually a rabbit play toy. That was an ebay bargain.
It's Parents' Night next week. I'm going to be cheeky and ask for donations of old bits of wrapping paper, cards, odd pens and pencils etc I can make use of almost anything. One wee piece of wrapping paper can't make much but if you've lots then there's a mixed media activity ready to go.