Sunday, 15 January 2017

It's all about the planning

I've spent most of last week and this weekend fighting off a nasty vomiting and diarrhoea bug that's swept my class.  I haven't had a full set of kids all week.  I think my daily multivitamin has helped my immune system fight it off although I've spent days feeling nauseous but never actually sick.  OH was away for work all week so I've spent a lot of time planning.  Above is my work planning folder.  My termly meeting with the Head is next week so need to have it finished soon.

And since the seed companies are starting to send out their catalogues I'm planning my garden.  Sarah Raven has a 20% off code.  Well it would be rude not to ๐Ÿ˜‰ I've used her seeds for the last few years.  Good quality and unused seeds keep well for use the following year.

And of course there's meal planning.  I'm back on the WeightWatchers plan.  It works for me when I stick to it.  Last year I lost 6kg.  I've put some of it back on ๐Ÿ˜ž but I'm starting afresh.  I treated myself to the WW magazine.  It came with a wee book of winter comfort food recipes.  Here's my first recipe! Turkey Chilli Con Carne.  It tastes amazing and there was plenty for 5 generous portions (the recipe said 4!) I had it with cauliflower.  Really good and only 6 SmartPoints!!!

We've booked our summer holiday so I have a target.  Bring it on! ๐ŸŒŠ๐ŸŒž


  1. I used to buy turkey mince all the time as a student, looks good, hope the meeting with the head goes well
    sammie xx

    1. That recipe used thigh mince but I also managed to get turkey breast mince which is even lower in fat so will be giving it a go too. Best mince based recipe I've used for a very long time!

  2. Best of luck on weight watchers.
    I couldn't resist the blog post when I saw organising and a photo of a folder - how sad am I? Hope the meeting with the Head goes well and hope you stay healthy now you have shifted the bug, it has struck a lot of people down with it.

  3. Not sad at all. I do like a well organised folder! Sadly didn't escape the bug afterall :-(


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