Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Comfort cooking

Someone is enjoying me working from home!  When I'm working on the laptop she lies near me but today she was actually ON me 😊

Cooking is my go to activity when I'm stressed or feel the need to be organised/in control.  So today I did a bit of comfort cooking.  As well as using up/making better use of the food I've got, I'm making an effort to cut down on my portion sizes too.  I made a batch of French toast this morning, my reward for doing another morning Joe Wickes workout!! 💪 Normally I would have eaten 3 slices (the GF bread slices are quite small!) but today I only had 2, leaving 4 slices to make another 2 meals.  French toast reheats nicely in a toaster!

I made some rice pudding for lunch, using up a carton of almond milk that's been open for a few days now.  I used up the last of my brown sugar so it has a lovely caramel taste.  It's also in the fridge for more meals (nice for breakfast as a change to porridge!)

But my big job for the day was to make a new batch of elderberry syrup as I'd finished the last one on Sunday.  It's really easy, just a bit messy when it comes to the straining bit!!  Recipe HERE

I filled 2 x 250ml bottles plus the leftover syrup I put back into the honey jar.  It will be extra sweet!!  I take a tablespoon every day in Winter.  I use the elderberry syrup as a preventive measure and the fire cider I started on Sunday is meant to be used as a 'cure.'  I hope I don't need to test that theory!!

I hope everyone is well and coping with the new restrictions to our daily lives.

Stay safe and stay home everyone! 💗


  1. I like homemade rice pud for breakfast too, glad I'm not the only one!

    1. Yeay, we are all so like minded!! Love it :-)

  2. I think French toast will be on my menu tomorrow. Now that we have so much free time it's good to experiment with new flavours.

    1. I prefer mine savoury so have it with Worcester sauce or BBQ :-)

  3. I think everybodys dogs will wonder whats happened. Everybodys in all the time now! I wonder if they're thinking 'I wish they'd all go out and give me peace again'!! lol. It's never occured to me to keep french toast to toast it! I'll try that. I've not made rice pudding in a million years, another thing to try! I've dug out my bread maker again and made a loaf yesterday which was delicious. Its on right now to make a loaf for my mum. I'll take it to her later today. I'm still struggling to find my way through this lockdown, however I'm sure I'll get used to it soon! Hopefully not for long though!! Take care. xx

    1. I think now is a good time to do all those things you wish you had time for or will get round to eventually. We've got plenty of time now, let's use it wisely :-)

  4. Lovely foods. Meals are only conventions - have what you fancy and if that means 'breakfast' in the evening, for example - why not! :-)


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