Monday, 23 March 2020

Working from home

My day started with a workout with Joe Wicks who is effectively doing a daily PE lesson for kids throughout the UK (and the world) every morning at 9am.  I thought I'd video myself taking part to post to Twitter to encourage my class to join in.  Errr, no.  That video ain't seeing the light of day!! 

I posted activities several times on Twitter throughout the day but there wasn't any response.  And it was the same for most teachers in my school.  I actually think our parents are overwhelmed with the information and stuff we've sent them.  Maybe things will pick up in a week or 2 when the novelty of being home has worn off.

Once 'school' was over I took my seeds out to play and started planting them.

I did peas, tomatoes and courgettes in the pots I got from TK Maxx.

I planted my onion sets in a random assortment of pots and recycled tubs.  I have 50 red, white and brown onions.

They're all zipped up inside the greenhouse in my study, along side the many bags of 'stuff' I brought home from work.

And to round off my first working from home day I found a fairy egg in the nesting box.  Usually produced by young hens at the start of their laying years but also from old hens at the end of theirs.  This is probably from Penny who is nearly 6!!

My head is ok after my comedy accident.  Think standing on a rake with the handle hitting my head, only with a rusty polytunnel frame!!!  It's a small but deep cut and it's healing nicely.

Stay safe and stay home everyone! 💗


  1. I know what you mean about the pe video. I caught sight of myself 'dancing' in the bedroom mirror and what I saw is not how I imagined I looked in my head lol.
    I got some seeds planted at the weekend too. My poor wee seeds are out in my unheated greenhouse but they are wrapped up in fleece, so I hope they manage to germinate!
    Glad your head is healing nicely. Take care in our new world of lockdown. xx

    1. My big mistake was filming myself from behind and my t shirt kept riding up!!

      Take care of yourself xxx

  2. Glad your head is healing well, I wasn't going to doing any sowing or growing this year, but due to circumstances I am now.

    1. I think it's sensible to try and grow what we can in an uncertain future. I suspect seeds will be a valuable item in weeks to come!!

  3. Oh my gosh, I thought I was the only one "daft" enough to put my greenhouse inside my house! I live alone and my large bathroom is bright and warm so I'm lugging my greenhouse up there tomorrow (I've already started the seeds) but we can't plant outside here until around mid-May because of the frost. And I don't blame you for not posting the video - I can't even begin to imagine what I look like doing a shoulder stand with my boobs and belly!

    1. I'm so pleased to know someone else has an inside greenhouse!!! It's just not safe to plant outside in Scotland until we're well into May!


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