Wednesday 22 September 2021



It was inevitable.  Despite our best effects in school I've got 4 positive cases in my class and at least 2 in the other P1 class.  Poor wee souls!

I've not been tracked and traced/pinged as a close contact as teachers aren't counted (don't get me started!) but I've had a letter saying I'm a 'short low key' risk.  Whatever that means!!!!  I also got a letter from the National Clinical Director for the Scottish government informing me how low risk schools are and that "IT" can't be transmitted by children. 

It's all nonsense to avoid those working in schools self isolating if they've been in close contact.  I mean you can't get much closer contact than 4 and 5 year olds hugging you, holding your hand, needing first aid etc etc for 6 hours a day.

I wear a mask. I sanitise my hands a million times a day. I clean everything in my class many times a day.  I test myself daily.  I'm fully vaccinated for "IT" plus I got my annual flu jab recently.  I'm keeping myself as healthy as I can.

I hope it's enough 🙏


  1. Hopefully the vaccine will be approved for 5 to 12 year olds soon. I have heard the end of October although that might be a trifle optimistic.

    1. That seems to be a long way off here. It feels like the government wants all kids to get it then they'll be immune. Not sure it works like that!!

  2. Fingers crossed for you. Sounds like there's not much more you can do to protect yourself. Good luck. x

    1. So far so good and no more cases. Fingers crossed it was just a wee outbreak!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks! No more cases so fingers crossed it was contained in time


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