Saturday 30 October 2021

Making time

My lovely friend who is my mentor/coach/counsellor posted this in our wee FB group yesterday and it hit home hard.  I've been forced to stop and make time for being really not well all week.  And I've said to my Headteacher and Occupational Health I'll probably not be back next week either.  No point going back to teach 19 lively 4 and 5yos when I'm not almost 100% fit and well.

When I fractured my ankle earlier this year I took the time to pause and reflect on life.  And for a while I did slow down and make more time for myself.  But oh how quickly I slipped into bad habits and let the job and teaching a new stage dictate my life.

Clearly the universe decided to give me another wake up slap!! πŸ˜‚  Ok I'm listening and paying attention now!

Starting with breakfast this morning, I'm going to make sure I stop and eat one instead of grabbing something on my way out the door with my travel mug of coffee.  And because I've not been eating breakfast at home I stopped taking my morning supplements.  Taking them on an empty stomach with black coffee makes me throw up!  So I made some porridge and added home grown blueberries from the freezer, chia seeds, ground flax seeds, some nuts and turmeric infused honey.  Then I took my supplements.  Instead of coffee I had a herbal tea.  Cutting out coffee normally gives me headaches but since I've had a permanent headache for 8 days I figured a few more days won't hurt!

I wasn't hungry at lunchtime as breakfast was late so an early evening meal of gf toast, avocado and egg went down nicely.  I've slipped a bit recently and not been as careful at sticking to my gluten free and dairy free eating.  I think my body is telling me to get back to it!!

I also bought something a few weeks ago that will help with my lack of exercise.  Ironically I haven't even opened the box 😳 but I will soon and report back!  Eating well, taking my supplements, exercise and generally making more time for myself are the priorities.

So as we gain an hour tonight (clocks go back!) and head into Winter, I am making time for my wellness because frankly being unwell sucks!


  1. You cannot pour from an empty vessel - wise words (not mine ) x

    1. Wise words indeed! In my profession it's seen as a sign of weakness if you don't drag yourself back from your sick bed but more of us are saying not until I'm much better!

  2. Absolutely. You need to recover your stamina and not pilot a leaky boat! Morag 🌸🌷

    1. Love that phrase, so true! Just read a post on FB by a teacher I used to work with saying she's taking some time off working today (it's Saturday!!) to bake and feels guilty!! How did we get to this stage?? That's why people (not just teachers) are burning out and getting ill. If you're not paid to work nights and weekends why are you doing it? :-(

  3. Very wise advice - I used to drag myself in to work because it was easier than writing up my day book for the occasional teacher! I am also guilty of skipping breakfast and forgetting my supplements. Tomorrow it will be porridge and fruit, I promise!

    1. Leaving plans for cover teachers is a sticky area (at least here in Scotland) We have a termly planning folder that plans out the whole term in advance but daily/weekly plans are teachers' own work and do not have to be shared despite management's best efforts. Main issue is the actual long term planners are rubbish!! But that's a whole other issue!

      Most good teachers will leave some of plan for a cover teacher if it's a planned absence but when you're feeling grotty yes it's often easier to just drag yourself in. Enjoy your breakfast!

  4. Taking time for yourself is the best medicine there is.

    God bless.

    1. Completely agree although I'm learning that the hard way!

  5. It's a hard lesson to learn and I suspect I only make time for my wellness now because I have the time to make . . .
    Sending love. xx

    1. It's that elusive balance of work/life. I just can't get it right!

  6. We've heard a lot about long Covid over the past couple of years, but lots of other conditions take a long time to recover from properly. As a society we used to recognise that (think of all those people in old novels who take extended holidays to recuperate from illness). You are right to listen to your friend and the universe! X

    1. One of my friends who I work with reminded me I had been fighting off a sniffly cold for the past month as well so probably was run down and open to catching this. Ah well, I'm taking my time to recover. An extended holiday somewhere warm would be lovely!!


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