Sunday 29 May 2022

Living room tetris


I decided to remove my TV for good (I never watch it!) so took the chance to move the furniture around.  My lovely mum wanted the old Singer sewing machine so that freed up a bit more space.

The armchair on the left has survived a few house moves and Emma used to sleep on it when she was younger.  It's wrecked but really comfy.  I've thrown a blanket over it for now but my plan is to get it reupholstered.  Won't be cheap but still not as expensive as a new armchair!

I've moved Stanley (my ram painting) from the bookcase to where the TV was and I'm loving him there! 🐏

I've not put the rugs back down yet, might just leave them off.  But so far, it's a frugal decorating project.  It's cost me nothing except for wrecking my poor back!!


  1. A change is as good as a whole new project. Gives a fresh outlook to everything.

    1. Yep, just changing a few things has given the room a whole new outlook, for free!!

  2. I've just had a weekend home alone and the TV has not been turned on since Thursday, I could live without it but sadly hubby could not. I do love a sort out of furniture.

    1. If I'm watching TV it's usually on catch up on my laptop. The TV was almost 9 years old and one side of the screen was discoloured. I'm sorting furniture in a few rooms now that my son and his fiancé have moved out :-)

  3. Love a good move round of furniture but our present house doesn’t leave much scope for that. We have only one TV and it is almost never on. It will not be replaced when it finally expires. Hope you are pacing yourself as you enter the homestretch of this school year. XCatriona

    1. Yep pacing myself as best I can. Still no results from my x ray so I'm hoping they're not concerned by anything :-)


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