Monday 29 August 2022



I was talking to my oldest son last night about how he and his new wife (both have health issues) were going to be able to afford to heat their flat this Winter.  In the course of the discussion he told me that our main library in town has officially been designated a 'Heat Bank' where people can go during the day to keep warm.  I'm beyond disgusted that food banks are a normal part of our lives now but now we need to have heat banks.

This article HERE popped up on my FB feed.  At first I thought 'good for you' then I thought how disgraceful that this is fast becoming a reality for many.  Choosing to disconnect from the grid thanks to poverty is disgraceful.


  1. I worry about people’s safety if candles and gas canisters are going to be used regularly in confined spaces. Heat hubs will certainly be a reality this winter and I wonder how people who are working from home at their employers’ behest will cope with the extra daytime heating bills. You and I know the stark reality in the 21st century of cold, unwashed, hungry children coming to school. How long before the schools are also much colder as they were when I first started teaching in 1970? I do my best to support the local foodbank with necessities and warm scarves,socks and hats in the winter. This is the first time since the 70s I have felt such despair. Catriona

    1. Morale/mood in the staffroom today was very low with much talk of the upcoming strikes and the cost of everything rising. We have many families who are barely surviving as it is so we know it's going to be a hard Winter for them.

  2. I worry about those who are barely making it now. I don't think that they will be able to take much more with inflation being the way it is.

    God bless.

    1. I worry too. Folks are struggling already so the increases will really hurt them

  3. Old people I know, some can afford the rises, but all say they are not turning the heat on. I worry that they will get ill and die for a principal.
    I live in Scotland and we have cold wet winters, global warming has not reached here. We also can afford the rises at the moment but we very seldom spend the winter in Scotland so will leave in October if not before.

    1. I'm reading about some people who say they just won't turn their heating on. It's all very worrying

  4. I am fortunate enough to be able to afford the rises (although I'm not happy about them, obviously) but I'm planning to wrap up more, keep warm, lower the heating and not turn it up unless it is absolutely necessary.
    For many it will be an absolutely terrible situation and I worry a lot about it. xx

    1. I can afford the rise now because I'm still working. But I'll still be trying to keep my costs down by doing the same as you


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