Thursday, 20 October 2022

Good advice!

With just 1 day left before my son and his wife move in and just 4 days left of  my October break, this is good advice!!

I'm off to do some wallpapering now 😊


  1. I look at something and think "Dog forbid I lose everything in a fire, is this something I would want to replace".

    Surprising how much ends up in the charity shop bag with that attitude!

    1. I fall into the 'just in case' mentality! And I have to de clutter by myself because my family always question my decisions!!

  2. That really is a helpful poster - I'm going to print it out. Thanks very much. xx

  3. Oh, that "just in case" gets me every time -- and those items rarely are ever used.

  4. After reading your post at lunchtime, I went into the Christmas Craft cupboard and sorted out lots of stuff for gifting, donations to charity and the paper bin! Only took half an hour but the benefits are amazing, Thank you for the poster which kicked my bahookie on this wet and miserable day! Catriona

    1. Oh well done! It's been really dreich here too

  5. It's good advice that's for sure!
    Alison in Wales x

  6. I've used 2 thoughts, is it useful and am I using it or do I love it, works for me.


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