Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Off sick


I called in sick today and will probably take the rest of the week off.  Feels exactly like when I had Covid but my test this morning was negative.  I'm back in bed propped up on pillows to help my breathing/coughing and frankly feeling very sorry for myself.  


  1. Hope you feel better soon, there are so many nasty bugs about.

  2. Sounds horrible. I hope you will be feeling better soon. X

  3. Very sorry to read this and I hope things improve really speedily.

  4. Lots off with the same in the schools where I work. All of us testing negative but with Covid symptoms. Mine took ages to clear and I had to resort to antibiotics to clear my chest infection. Probably a mutation of Covid. First time I called on my doctor since 2014 and like you, rarely take time off sick. Get better soon!

  5. Take care with hot drinks and paracetamol-you know the drill.Catriona

  6. Glad you decided to sign yourself off work.
    Get well soon
    Alison in Wales x

  7. Take care and look after yourself.Do not rush back to school!

  8. Oh dear. Hope that bug clears up ASAP.

  9. Get well soon. You are definitely doing the right thing by staying at home and giving your body the rest it needs to heal.


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